So I have a little lua script where I want to call an extension method on IEnumerable collection.
require ''CLRPackage''
import ''System.Collections.Generic''
import ''System.Linq''
import ''My.Namespace.Containing.AudioMarker''
local audioMarkersWithOffset = GetAudioMarkers();
local numberOfMarkers = audioMarkersWithOffset.Count();
So GetAudioMarkers() is a C# method returning an IEnumerable of AudioMarker objects. Doing a luanet.each will work fine and I will be able to iterate to every element of the collection. But I need the count of that collection and calling .Count() does the following error: NLua.Exceptions.LuaScriptException: [string "chunk"]:54: attempt to call field 'Count' (a string value).
By the way, I know that with nlua you don't need to pre-register your types to used them so I try with and without the last import about AudioMarker, but got the same result.
I'm probably doing something wrong but I cannot seem to find any documentation on the web that could help regarding this issue.