I have to upload an image from Android device to a web app written in Python and Django. For storing images, I have made use of easy thumbnails.
What I have done so far is convert the image to base64 string to and post it to server. Well this is working perfectly, also if I write the base64 string to png image file it goes smoothly.
Now, I want to save it to the database as far as I know, easy thumbnails save the actual file to some location on server within the app file structure, and saves a link to same in database.
I am not understanding, how do I save the base64 string I receive in POST to my database.
My Model:
class Register(models.Model):
image = ThumbnailerImageField(upload_to=filename, blank=True, null=True, max_length=2048)
def filename(inst, fname):
f = sha256(fname + str(datetime.now())).hexdigest()
return '/'.join([inst.__class__.__name__, f])