经过 3 个月的大量网站挖掘和一些小项目的尝试后,我终于以一种非常非常不同的方式实现了一款极简主义游戏(或者是吗?)。此示例仅用于演示用 Haskell 编写的游戏的一种可能结构,并且应该很容易扩展以处理更复杂的逻辑和游戏玩法。
处理图形实现。如果我理解正确,该架构是功能齐全的反应式。几乎所有东西都是由 Arrow 组合实现的,只有一个函数暴露在IO
. 因此,我希望读者对 Haskell 的箭头语法有基本的了解,因为它被广泛使用。
连续时间语义用于 I/O,但离散事件用于处理游戏逻辑中的游戏事件。
设置 SDL
第一步是确保 SDL 正常工作。来源很简单:
module Main where
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
main :: IO ()
main = do
SDL.init [SDL.InitEverything]
w <- SDL.setVideoMode 800 600 32 [SDL.SWSurface]
s <- SDL.createRGBSurfaceEndian [SDL.SWSurface] 800 600 32
SDL.fillRect s (Just testRect) (SDL.Pixel 0xFFFFFFFF)
SDL.blitSurface s (Nothing) w (Nothing)
SDL.flip w
testLoop = testLoop
testRect = SDL.Rect 350 500 100 50
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Wire
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
我们需要了解如何构建 Kleisli Wires:Netwire 5 中的 Kleisli Arrow?. 此示例显示了使用 Kleisli Wires 的交互式程序的基本结构:Netwire 中的控制台交互性?. 要从任何 type 构造 Kleisli Wire a -> m b
mkKleisli :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> m b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkKleisli f = mkGen_ $ \a -> liftM Right $ f a
在 Arrow 进程下工作,因此使用调试线将对象打印到控制台:
wDebug :: (Show a, Monoid e) => Wire s e IO a ()
wDebug = mkKleisli $ \a -> putStrLn $ show a
在给定焊盘 X 坐标的情况下绘制正确矩形的函数:
padSurf :: SDL.Surface
-> Int
-> IO SDL.Surface
padSurf surf x' = do
let rect' = SDL.Rect x' 500 100 50
clipRect <- SDL.getClipRect surf
SDL.fillRect surf (Just clipRect) (SDL.Pixel 0x00000000)
SDL.fillRect surf (Just rect') (SDL.Pixel 0xFFFFFFFF)
return surf
请注意,此功能会进行破坏性更新。传入的表面稍后将被 blitted 到窗口表面上。
wTestOutput :: SDL.Surface -> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface
wTestOutput surf = mkKleisli $ \_ -> testPad
testPad = padSurf surf 350
gameWire :: SDL.Surface
-> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface
gameWire w = proc _ -> do
finalSurf <- wTestOutput w -< ()
wDebug -< "Try a debug message"
returnA -< finalSurf
main :: IO ()
main = do
SDL.init [SDL.InitEverything]
w <- SDL.setVideoMode 800 600 32 [SDL.SWSurface]
s <- SDL.createRGBSurfaceEndian [SDL.SWSurface] 800 600 32
run w (countSession_ 1) $ gameWire w
run ::SDL.Surface -> Session IO s -> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface -> IO ()
run mainSurf s w = do
(ds, s') <- stepSession s
(eSrcSurf, w') <- stepWire w ds (Right ())
case eSrcSurf of
Right srcSurf -> do
SDL.blitSurface srcSurf (Nothing) mainSurf (Nothing)
SDL.flip mainSurf
SDL.delay 30
run mainSurf s' w'
_ -> return ()
01-OutputWires.hs: This step, the output wires are constructed first for
easy debugging
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Wire
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
{- Wire Utilities -}
-- | Make a Kleisli wire
mkKleisli :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> m b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkKleisli f = mkGen_ $ \a -> liftM Right $ f a
-- | The debug wire
wDebug :: (Show a, Monoid e) => Wire s e IO a ()
wDebug = mkKleisli $ \a -> putStrLn $ show a
{- Functions to be lifted -}
padSurf :: SDL.Surface
-- ^ Previous state of surface
-> Int
-- ^ X'
-- | New state
-> IO SDL.Surface
padSurf surf x' = do
let rect' = SDL.Rect x' 500 100 50
clipRect <- SDL.getClipRect surf
SDL.fillRect surf (Just clipRect) (SDL.Pixel 0x00000000)
SDL.fillRect surf (Just rect') (SDL.Pixel 0xFFFFFFFF)
return surf
{- Wires -}
wTestOutput :: SDL.Surface -> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface
wTestOutput surf = mkKleisli $ \_ -> testPad
testPad = padSurf surf 350
-- | This is the main game wire
gameWire :: SDL.Surface
-- ^ The main surface (i.e. the window)
-> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface
gameWire w = proc _ -> do
finalSurf <- wTestOutput w -< ()
wDebug -< "Try a debug message"
returnA -< finalSurf
main :: IO ()
main = do
SDL.init [SDL.InitEverything]
w <- SDL.setVideoMode 800 600 32 [SDL.SWSurface]
s <- SDL.createRGBSurfaceEndian [SDL.SWSurface] 800 600 32
run w (countSession_ 1) $ gameWire w
run ::SDL.Surface -> Session IO s -> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface -> IO ()
run mainSurf s w = do
(ds, s') <- stepSession s
(eSrcSurf, w') <- stepWire w ds (Right ())
case eSrcSurf of
Right srcSurf -> do
SDL.blitSurface srcSurf (Nothing) mainSurf (Nothing)
SDL.flip mainSurf
SDL.delay 30
run mainSurf s' w'
_ -> return ()
data GameEvent = MoveR
| MoveL
| NoEvent
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Make it Monoid so that game events can be combined
-- (Only applicable in this "game"!)
instance Monoid GameEvent where
mempty = NoEvent
-- | Simultaneously moving left and right is just nothing
MoveR `mappend` MoveL = NoEvent
MoveL `mappend` MoveR = NoEvent
-- | NoEvent is the identity
NoEvent `mappend` x = x
x `mappend` NoEvent = x
x `mappend` y
-- | Make sure identical events return same events
| x == y = x
-- | Otherwise, no event
| otherwise = NoEvent
首先,我们将从 SDL 轮询事件:
pollEvents :: [SDL.Event] -> IO (Either () ([SDL.Event]))
pollEvents es = do
e <- SDL.pollEvent
case e of
SDL.NoEvent -> return $ Right es
SDL.Quit -> return $ Left ()
_ -> pollEvents $ e:es
显然,这个函数以列表的形式从 SDL 轮询事件,并在收到事件时禁止Quit
isKeyEvent :: SDL.Event -> Bool
isKeyEvent (SDL.KeyDown k) = True
isKeyEvent (SDL.KeyUp k) = True
isKeyEvent _ = False
keyStatus :: [SDL.Keysym] -> [SDL.Event] -> [SDL.Keysym]
keyStatus keysDown (e:es) =
case e of
-- | If a KeyDown is detected, add key to list
SDL.KeyDown k -> keyStatus (k:keysDown) es
-- | If a KeyUp is detected, remove key from list
SDL.KeyUp k -> keyStatus (filter (/= k) keysDown) es
_ -> keyStatus keysDown es
keyStatus keysDown [] = keysDown
toGameEv :: SDL.Keysym -> GameEvent
toGameEv (SDL.Keysym SDL.SDLK_RIGHT _ _) = MoveR
toGameEv (SDL.Keysym SDL.SDLK_LEFT _ _) = MoveL
toGameEv _ = NoEvent
fireGameEv :: [SDL.Keysym] -> GameEvent
fireGameEv ks = foldl mappend NoEvent $ fmap toGameEv ks
wPollEvents :: Wire s () IO () [SDL.Event]
wPollEvents = mkGen_ $ \_ -> pollEvents []
mkFW_ :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> Bool) -> Wire s e m [a] [a]
mkFW_ f = mkSF_ $ filter f
wKeyEvents :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Event] [SDL.Event]
wKeyEvents = mkFW_ isKeyEvent
然后,我们需要另一个方便的函数来从 type 的有状态函数创建有状态连接b -> a -> b
mkSW_ :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => b -> (b->a->b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkSW_ b0 f = mkSFN $ g b0
g b0 a = let b1 = f b0 a in
(b1, mkSW_ b1 f)
wKeyStatus :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Event] [SDL.Keysym]
wKeyStatus = mkSW_ empty keyStatus
wFireGameEv :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Keysym] (GameEvent)
wFireGameEv = arr fireGameEv
要主动触发包含游戏事件的离散事件(netwire 事件),我们需要稍微修改一下 netwire(我认为它仍然很不完整),因为它不提供始终触发事件的线路:
always :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m a (Event a)
always = mkSFN $ \x -> (WE.Event x, always)
与 的实现相比now
wGameInput :: Wire s () IO () (Event GameEvent)
wGameInput = proc _ -> do
ge <- wFireGameEv <<< wKeyStatus
<<< wKeyEvents <<< wPollEvents -< ()
e <- always -< ge
-- Debug!
case e of
WE.NoEvent -> wDebug -< "No Event?!!"
WE.Event g -> wDebug -< "Game Event: " ++ show g
-- End Debug
returnA -< e
gameWire w = proc _ -> do
ev <- wGameInput -< ()
finalSurf <- wTestOutput w -< ()
returnA -< finalSurf
02-InputWires.hs: This step, input wires are constructed and
debugged by using wDebug
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Wire
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import qualified Control.Wire.Unsafe.Event as WE
{- Data types -}
-- | The unified datatype of game events
data GameEvent = MoveR
| MoveL
| NoEvent
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Make it Monoid so that game events can be combined
-- (Only applicable in this "game"!)
instance Monoid GameEvent where
mempty = NoEvent
-- | Simultaneously moving left and right is just nothing
MoveR `mappend` MoveL = NoEvent
MoveL `mappend` MoveR = NoEvent
-- | NoEvent is the identity
NoEvent `mappend` x = x
x `mappend` NoEvent = x
x `mappend` y
-- | Make sure identical events return same events
| x == y = x
-- | Otherwise, no event
| otherwise = NoEvent
{- Wire Utilities -}
-- | Make a stateless filter wire
mkFW_ :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> Bool) -> Wire s e m [a] [a]
mkFW_ f = mkSF_ $ filter f
-- -- | Make a stateful wire from a chained stateful function and initial value
-- -- The function (a -> b -> a) takes in an old state /a/, and returns state
-- -- transition function (b -> a).
mkSW_ :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => b -> (b->a->b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkSW_ b0 f = mkSFN $ g b0
g b0 a = let b1 = f b0 a in
(b1, mkSW_ b1 f)
-- | Make a Kleisli wire
mkKleisli :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> m b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkKleisli f = mkGen_ $ \a -> liftM Right $ f a
-- | The debug wire
wDebug :: (Show a, Monoid e) => Wire s e IO a ()
wDebug = mkKleisli $ \a -> putStrLn $ show a
-- | The "always" wire
always :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m a (Event a)
always = mkSFN $ \x -> (WE.Event x, always)
{- Functions to be lifted -}
-- | This is the pad surface whose X coordinate can be updated
padSurf :: SDL.Surface
-- ^ Previous state of surface
-> Int
-- ^ X'
-- | New state
-> IO SDL.Surface
padSurf surf x' = do
let rect' = SDL.Rect x' 500 100 50
clipRect <- SDL.getClipRect surf
SDL.fillRect surf (Just clipRect) (SDL.Pixel 0x00000000)
SDL.fillRect surf (Just rect') (SDL.Pixel 0xFFFFFFFF)
return surf
-- | The function to poll events and add to a list of events
pollEvents :: [SDL.Event] -> IO (Either () ([SDL.Event]))
pollEvents es = do
e <- SDL.pollEvent
case e of
SDL.NoEvent -> return $ Right es
SDL.Quit -> return $ Left ()
_ -> pollEvents $ e:es
-- | Checks whether one SDL.Event is a keyboard event
isKeyEvent :: SDL.Event -> Bool
isKeyEvent (SDL.KeyDown k) = True
isKeyEvent (SDL.KeyUp k) = True
isKeyEvent _ = False
-- | The raw function to process key status from events
keyStatus :: [SDL.Keysym] -> [SDL.Event] -> [SDL.Keysym]
keyStatus keysDown (e:es) =
case e of
-- | If a KeyDown is detected, add key to list
SDL.KeyDown k -> keyStatus (k:keysDown) es
-- | If a KeyUp is detected, remove key from list
SDL.KeyUp k -> keyStatus (filter (/= k) keysDown) es
_ -> keyStatus keysDown es
-- | If all events are processed, return
keyStatus keysDown [] = keysDown
-- | Convert a SDL Keysym into "standard" game events
toGameEv :: SDL.Keysym -> GameEvent
toGameEv (SDL.Keysym SDL.SDLK_RIGHT _ _) = MoveR
toGameEv (SDL.Keysym SDL.SDLK_LEFT _ _) = MoveL
toGameEv _ = NoEvent
-- | Combine all game events to get one single firing
fireGameEv :: [SDL.Keysym] -> GameEvent
fireGameEv ks = foldl mappend NoEvent $ fmap toGameEv ks
{- Wires -}
-- | The Kleisli wire to poll events
wPollEvents :: Wire s () IO () [SDL.Event]
wPollEvents = mkGen_ $ \_ -> pollEvents []
-- | A stateless wire that filters out keyboard events
wKeyEvents :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Event] [SDL.Event]
wKeyEvents = mkFW_ isKeyEvent
-- | A stateful wire to keep track of key status
wKeyStatus :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Event] [SDL.Keysym]
wKeyStatus = mkSW_ empty keyStatus
-- | A wire to fire game events from SDL events
wFireGameEv :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Keysym] (GameEvent)
wFireGameEv = arr fireGameEv
-- | This is the connected wire for the entire game input
wGameInput :: Wire s () IO () (Event GameEvent)
wGameInput = proc _ -> do
ge <- wFireGameEv <<< wKeyStatus
<<< wKeyEvents <<< wPollEvents -< ()
e <- always -< ge
-- Debug!
case e of
WE.NoEvent -> wDebug -< "No Event?!!"
WE.Event g -> wDebug -< "Game Event: " ++ show g
-- End Debug
returnA -< e
-- | The wire to test output
wTestOutput :: SDL.Surface -> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface
wTestOutput surf = mkKleisli $ \_ -> testPad
testPad = padSurf surf 350
-- | This is the main game wire
gameWire :: SDL.Surface
-- ^ The main surface (i.e. the window)
-> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface
gameWire w = proc _ -> do
ev <- wGameInput -< ()
finalSurf <- wTestOutput w -< ()
returnA -< finalSurf
main :: IO ()
main = do
SDL.init [SDL.InitEverything]
w <- SDL.setVideoMode 800 600 32 [SDL.SWSurface]
s <- SDL.createRGBSurfaceEndian [SDL.SWSurface] 800 600 32
run w (countSession_ 1) $ gameWire w
run ::SDL.Surface -> Session IO s -> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface -> IO ()
run mainSurf s w = do
(ds, s') <- stepSession s
(eSrcSurf, w') <- stepWire w ds (Right ())
case eSrcSurf of
Right srcSurf -> do
SDL.blitSurface srcSurf (Nothing) mainSurf (Nothing)
SDL.flip mainSurf
SDL.delay 30
run mainSurf s' w'
_ -> return ()
padDX :: Int -> GameEvent -> Int
padDX x0 e
| x > 700 = 700
| x < 0 = 0
| otherwise = x
x = x0 + go e
go MoveR = dx
go MoveL = -dx
go _ = 0
dx = 15
wPadX :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m (Event GameEvent) Int
wPadX = accumE padDX 400 >>> hold
wGameLogic :: Wire s () IO (Event GameEvent) Int
wGameLogic = proc ev -> do
x' <- wPadX -< ev
returnA -< x'
由于我们有一个关于 X 坐标的状态,我们需要修改输出线:
wGameOutput :: SDL.Surface -> Wire s () IO Int SDL.Surface
wGameOutput surf = mkKleisli $ testPad
testPad = padSurf surf
gameWire w = proc _ -> do
ev <- wGameInput -< ()
x <- wGameLogic -< ev
finalSurf <- wGameOutput w -< x
returnA -< finalSurf
一个巨大的代码块(我很好奇做同样事情的 C++ 程序会持续多久):
03-GameLogic.hs: The final product!
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Wire
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import qualified Control.Wire.Unsafe.Event as WE
{- Data types -}
-- | The unified datatype of game events
data GameEvent = MoveR
| MoveL
| NoEvent
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Make it Monoid so that game events can be combined
-- (Only applicable in this "game"!)
instance Monoid GameEvent where
mempty = NoEvent
-- | Simultaneously moving left and right is just nothing
MoveR `mappend` MoveL = NoEvent
MoveL `mappend` MoveR = NoEvent
-- | NoEvent is the identity
NoEvent `mappend` x = x
x `mappend` NoEvent = x
x `mappend` y
-- | Make sure identical events return same events
| x == y = x
-- | Otherwise, no event
| otherwise = NoEvent
{- Wire Utilities -}
-- | Make a stateless filter wire
mkFW_ :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> Bool) -> Wire s e m [a] [a]
mkFW_ f = mkSF_ $ filter f
-- -- | Make a stateful wire from a chained stateful function and initial value
-- -- The function (a -> b -> a) takes in an old state /a/, and returns state
-- -- transition function (b -> a).
mkSW_ :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => b -> (b->a->b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkSW_ b0 f = mkSFN $ g b0
g b0 a = let b1 = f b0 a in
(b1, mkSW_ b1 f)
-- | Make a Kleisli wire
mkKleisli :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => (a -> m b) -> Wire s e m a b
mkKleisli f = mkGen_ $ \a -> liftM Right $ f a
-- | The debug wire
wDebug :: (Show a, Monoid e) => Wire s e IO a ()
wDebug = mkKleisli $ \a -> putStrLn $ show a
-- | The "always" wire
always :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m a (Event a)
always = mkSFN $ \x -> (WE.Event x, always)
{- Functions to be lifted -}
-- | This is the pad surface whose X coordinate can be updated
padSurf :: SDL.Surface
-- ^ Previous state of surface
-> Int
-- ^ X'
-- | New state
-> IO SDL.Surface
padSurf surf x' = do
let rect' = SDL.Rect x' 500 100 50
clipRect <- SDL.getClipRect surf
SDL.fillRect surf (Just clipRect) (SDL.Pixel 0x00000000)
SDL.fillRect surf (Just rect') (SDL.Pixel 0xFFFFFFFF)
return surf
-- | The function to poll events and add to a list of events
pollEvents :: [SDL.Event] -> IO (Either () ([SDL.Event]))
pollEvents es = do
e <- SDL.pollEvent
case e of
SDL.NoEvent -> return $ Right es
SDL.Quit -> return $ Left ()
_ -> pollEvents $ e:es
-- | Checks whether one SDL.Event is a keyboard event
isKeyEvent :: SDL.Event -> Bool
isKeyEvent (SDL.KeyDown k) = True
isKeyEvent (SDL.KeyUp k) = True
isKeyEvent _ = False
-- | The raw function to process key status from events
keyStatus :: [SDL.Keysym] -> [SDL.Event] -> [SDL.Keysym]
keyStatus keysDown (e:es) =
case e of
-- | If a KeyDown is detected, add key to list
SDL.KeyDown k -> keyStatus (k:keysDown) es
-- | If a KeyUp is detected, remove key from list
SDL.KeyUp k -> keyStatus (filter (/= k) keysDown) es
_ -> keyStatus keysDown es
-- | If all events are processed, return
keyStatus keysDown [] = keysDown
-- | Convert a SDL Keysym into "standard" game events
toGameEv :: SDL.Keysym -> GameEvent
toGameEv (SDL.Keysym SDL.SDLK_RIGHT _ _) = MoveR
toGameEv (SDL.Keysym SDL.SDLK_LEFT _ _) = MoveL
toGameEv _ = NoEvent
-- | Combine all game events to get one single firing
fireGameEv :: [SDL.Keysym] -> GameEvent
fireGameEv ks = foldl mappend NoEvent $ fmap toGameEv ks
-- | The integrator of X position of pad
padDX :: Int -> GameEvent -> Int
padDX x0 e
| x > 700 = 700
| x < 0 = 0
| otherwise = x
x = x0 + go e
go MoveR = dx
go MoveL = -dx
go _ = 0
dx = 15
{- Wires -}
-- | The Kleisli wire to poll events
wPollEvents :: Wire s () IO () [SDL.Event]
wPollEvents = mkGen_ $ \_ -> pollEvents []
-- | A stateless wire that filters out keyboard events
wKeyEvents :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Event] [SDL.Event]
wKeyEvents = mkFW_ isKeyEvent
-- | A stateful wire to keep track of key status
wKeyStatus :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Event] [SDL.Keysym]
wKeyStatus = mkSW_ empty keyStatus
-- | A wire to fire game events from SDL events
wFireGameEv :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m [SDL.Keysym] (GameEvent)
wFireGameEv = arr fireGameEv
-- | This is the connected wire for the entire game input
wGameInput :: Wire s () IO () (Event GameEvent)
wGameInput = proc _ -> do
ge <- wFireGameEv <<< wKeyStatus
<<< wKeyEvents <<< wPollEvents -< ()
e <- always -< ge
returnA -< e
-- | The stateful wire of X position of pad
wPadX :: (Monad m, Monoid e) => Wire s e m (Event GameEvent) Int
wPadX = accumE padDX 400 >>> hold
-- | This is the connected wire for the entire game logic
wGameLogic :: Wire s () IO (Event GameEvent) Int
wGameLogic = proc ev -> do
x' <- wPadX -< ev
returnA -< x'
-- | The wire of output
wGameOutput :: SDL.Surface -> Wire s () IO Int SDL.Surface
wGameOutput surf = mkKleisli $ testPad
testPad = padSurf surf
-- | This is the main game wire
gameWire :: SDL.Surface
-- ^ The main surface (i.e. the window)
-> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface
gameWire w = proc _ -> do
ev <- wGameInput -< ()
x <- wGameLogic -< ev
finalSurf <- wGameOutput w -< x
returnA -< finalSurf
main :: IO ()
main = do
SDL.init [SDL.InitEverything]
w <- SDL.setVideoMode 800 600 32 [SDL.SWSurface]
s <- SDL.createRGBSurfaceEndian [SDL.SWSurface] 800 600 32
run w (countSession_ 1) $ gameWire w
run ::SDL.Surface -> Session IO s -> Wire s () IO () SDL.Surface -> IO ()
run mainSurf s w = do
(ds, s') <- stepSession s
(eSrcSurf, w') <- stepWire w ds (Right ())
case eSrcSurf of
Right srcSurf -> do
SDL.blitSurface srcSurf (Nothing) mainSurf (Nothing)
SDL.flip mainSurf
SDL.delay 30
run mainSurf s' w'
_ -> return ()