我有一个 python 脚本,用于调用 Zendesk API 以获取 JSON 返回。典型的Data = response.json()
工作直到我不得不将所有内容移植到 python 2.7。它在 3.4 中运行良好。我尝试了各种不同的编码和解码策略,我已经克服了困难,但它是我可以使用的形式。我需要能够通过字符串访问 json 部分,而不是整数Data['users']
import datetime
import time
import calendar
import requests
import os.path as path
import json
import logging
import Query2UploadRouter
import sys
from httplib import BadStatusLine
from io import open
def byteify(input):
if isinstance(input, dict):
return {byteify(key):byteify(value) for key,value in input.iteritems()}
elif isinstance(input, list):
return [byteify(element) for element in input]
elif isinstance(input, unicode):
return input.encode('utf-8')
return input
def runQuery(endPoint,tableName,topJsonTier,userName,passWord,schema,verticaName,verticaPassword,i):
if path.isfile('Data_Aquisition_Log_' + str(datetime.date.today()) + '.txt') == True:
logging.basicConfig(filename='Data_Aquisition_Log_' + str(datetime.date.today()) + '.txt', filemode='a', level=logging.DEBUG)
logging.basicConfig(filename='Data_Aquisition_Log_' + str(datetime.date.today()) + '.txt', filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)
startTime = calendar.timegm(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple()) - 3600
url = "https://myURL.zendesk.com/api/v2/" + str(endPoint) + str(startTime)
user = userName
pwd = passWord
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
# Create a requests to avoid flooding the server with requests
# Do all of this stuff and then do it again as long as the response JSON has a next page
while True:
# Do the HTTP get request
for x in xrange(0,9):
logging.debug('Query Attempt...' + str(x))
response = requests.get(url, auth=(user,passWord))
err = sys.exc_info()[0]
logging.debug('There was an error when attemtping to execute the query! URL: ' + str(url) + ' Error: ' + str(err))
# Check for HTTP codes other than 200
if response.status_code != 200 or response.status_code is None:
if response.status_code == 429:
logging.debug(unicode(response.status_code) + 'Rate Limited. Waiting to Retry')
response = requests.get(url, auth=(user,passWord))
elif response.status_code == 422:
logging.debug( 'The last record was reached')
logging.debug('Problem with the request. Retrying.')
response = requests.get(url, auth=(user,passWord))
# Decode the JSON response into a dictionary and use the data
data = byteify(response.json())
使用 bitify 是我在网上找到的一个解决方案,这是我最近的一次尝试。这是我得到的错误响应:
DEBUG:root:Starting run for ZendeskUsersTest!!
DEBUG:root:Query Attempt... 0
INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): .zendesk.com
DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /api/v2/incremental/users.json?start_time=1434444644 HTTP/1.1" 200 None
DEBUG:root:An error caused the run to break! <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>
No JSON object could be decoded
DEBUG:root:All data aquisition was completed!
如您所见,我收到了 200 条回复。将 URL 直接放入网页会给我 JSON 返回,我使用 JSONlint 对其进行了验证。