You probably don't want to use longjmp at all but I hate it when people answer a question with "Why would you want to do that?" As has been pointed out your longjmp() usage is wrong. Here is a simple example of how to use it correctly:
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
jmp_buf jumpBuffer; // Declared globally but could also be in a class.
void a(int count) {
// . . .
cout << "In a(" << count << ") before jump" << endl;
// Calling longjmp() here is OK because it is above setjmp() on the call
// stack.
longjmp(jumpBuffer, count); // setjump() will return count
// . . .
void b() {
int count = 0;
cout << "Setting jump point" << endl;
if (setjmp(jumpBuffer) == 9) return;
cout << "After jump point" << endl;
a(count++); // This will loop 10 times.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// Note: You cannot call longjmp() here because it is below the setjmp() call
// on the call stack.
return 0;
The problems with your usage of longjmp() are as follows:
- You don't call setjmp()
- You haven't allocated the jmp_buf either on the stack or dynamically. jmp_buf *bfj is just a pointer.
- You cannot cast a char * to jmp_buf * and expect it to work. C++ not a dynamic language it is statically compiled.
But really, it is very unlikely that you should be using longjmp() at all.