我已经编写了用于在 Atmega 328 中读取键盘矩阵的代码。但是我没有得到连接到 Row0 和 Column0 的键的结果。其余所有 3 个键都被正确检测到。下面是代码。我无法弄清楚问题是什么。一定有一个小问题。键盘工作正常,我单独测试过。

 #include "cloudECommon.h"

#define ROW_DDR DDRD          //I/O Port to which rows are connected
#define ROW_PORT PORTD        // I/O Port to which rows are connected
#define COLUMN_PIN PIND     // I/O Port to which columns are connected
#define NUM_ROWS 2          // Number of rows in the keypad
#define NUM_COLS 2          // number of columns in the keypad

unsigned char rowBitNumbers[NUM_ROWS] = {0,1};  // Assign port bit numbers  based on the hardware connectivity
unsigned char columnBitNumbers[NUM_COLS] = {6,7};  // Assign port bit numbers based on the hardware connectivity

// keyAssignments gives the value of the key pressed. This sends out character value to the calling portion.

unsigned char keyAssignments[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] = {
                                                        {'3', 'A'},
                                                        {'6', 'B'},

void CL_delayMS(unsigned int delayMS)

int initializeKeyPad(void)
    unsigned char loopCnt;

        ROW_DDR &= ~(1<<loopCnt);     // Set direction as input 
        ROW_PORT &= ~(1<<loopCnt);   // Keep all rows in high impudence by writing 0. External pull ups are connected.


    // Set all columns as inputs
    for(loopCnt=columnBitNumbers[0]; loopCnt<=columnBitNumbers[NUM_COLS-1]; loopCnt++)
        COLUMN_DDR &= ~(1<<loopCnt);           

    return 0;

// The following function just reads the state of the switch from the key matrix 
// If detected, returns true. Or returns false.

unsigned char readSwitch(unsigned char columnNum)
    //check if key is pressed. If pressed, wait until it is released. 
    if(!(COLUMN_PIN & (1<<columnNum)))
        //wait for release
        //while(!(COLUMN_PIN & (1<<columnNum)));

        //Key De bounce.
        // Need to change this implementation. Time is getting wasted. Even after releasing, CPU will wait for KEY_DEBOUNCE_TIME

        if(!(COLUMN_PIN & (1<<columnNum)))
            return (1);


// Function to read the key that is being pressed.
// Returns the value of the key pressed.
// First one row will be set low and then all the columns are read. 
// Process is repeated for all the rows.

unsigned char getKey(void)
    unsigned char key='\0';  // If '\0' is returned, no key is pressed.
    unsigned char rowLoopCount;
    unsigned char columnLoopCount;

    //Loop for maximum rows configured

        // Make the Row as output port. So row will be low at this moment
        //CL_delayMS(1);    // Wait for 1 msec. 

        // Repeat for columns. Read each column.
        for(columnLoopCount=columnBitNumbers[0];columnLoopCount<=columnBitNumbers[NUM_COLS-1] ;columnLoopCount++)

        // Change the direction as input so that port goes to high impedance
        ROW_DDR &=  ~(1<<rowBitNumbers[rowLoopCount]);



2 回答 2


仔细看看你的循环,可能它们不覆盖 (0,0) 对,而是从 (1,1) 开始。

于 2015-06-08T09:23:50.493 回答

发现了错误。getKey() 函数存在一些问题。以下是代码(可能未优化)。此外,我正在使用开放式收集器行并使用 DDR 动态更改方向,以避免在多次按键的情况下键盘短路。不确定这是否是正确的方法。

 * keypad.c
 * Created: 30-05-2015 07:09:51
#include "cloudECommon.h"

#define ROW_DDR DDRD          //I/O Port to which rows are connected
#define ROW_PORT PORTD        // I/O Port to which rows are connected
#define COLUMN_PIN PIND     // I/O Port to which columns are connected
#define NUM_ROWS 2          // Number of rows in the keypad
#define NUM_COLS 2          // number of columns in the keypad

unsigned char rowBitNumbers[NUM_ROWS] = {2,3};  // Assign port bit numbers  based on the hardware connectivity
unsigned char columnBitNumbers[NUM_COLS] = {0,1};  // Assign port bit numbers based on the hardware connectivity

// keyAssignments gives the value of the key pressed. This sends out character value to the calling portion.

unsigned char keyAssignments[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] = {
                                                        {'3', 'A'},
                                                        {'6', 'B'},

unsigned char keyAssignments[NUM_ROWS][NUM_COLS] = {

void CL_delayMS(unsigned int delayMS)

int initializeKeyPad(void)
    unsigned char loopCnt;

        ROW_DDR &= ~(1<<loopCnt);     // Set direction as input 
        ROW_PORT &= ~(1<<loopCnt);   // Keep all rows in high impudence by writing 0. External pull ups are connected.


    // Set all columns as inputs
    for(loopCnt=columnBitNumbers[0]; loopCnt<=columnBitNumbers[NUM_COLS-1]; loopCnt++)
        COLUMN_DDR &= ~(1<<loopCnt);           

    return 0;

// The following function just reads the state of the switch from the key matrix 
// If detected, returns true. Or returns false.

unsigned char readSwitch(unsigned char columnNum)
    //check if key is pressed. If pressed, wait until it is released. 
    if(!(COLUMN_PIN & (1<<columnNum)))
        //wait for release
        //while(!(COLUMN_PIN & (1<<columnNum)));

        //Key De bounce.
        // Need to change this implementation. Time is getting wasted. Even after releasing, CPU will wait for KEY_DEBOUNCE_TIME

        if(!(COLUMN_PIN & (1<<columnNum)))
            return (1);


// Function to read the key that is being pressed.
// Returns the value of the key pressed.
// First one row will be set low and then all the columns are read. 
// Process is repeated for all the rows.

unsigned char getKey(void)
    unsigned char key='\0';  // If '\0' is returned, no key is pressed.
    unsigned char rowLoopCount;
    unsigned char columnLoopCount;

    //Loop for maximum rows configured

        // Make the Row as output port. So row will be low at this moment

        // Repeat for columns. Read each column.
        for(columnLoopCount=columnBitNumbers[0];columnLoopCount<=columnBitNumbers[NUM_COLS-1] ;columnLoopCount++)
                // Since keyAssignments[][] is always starts from 0  and rowBitNumbers[] or columnBitNumbers[]
                //may not start from 0, we need to subtract the BitNumbers offset.

        // Change the direction as input so that port goes to high impedance
        ROW_DDR &=  ~(1<<rowBitNumbers[rowLoopCount-rowBitNumbers[0]]);

于 2015-06-08T16:08:36.070 回答