Basically I am looking for a Shopping Mall system in PHP. User included

  • Member / User
  • Administrator
  • Vendor
  • Affiliate

I find a lot ecommerce that support multiple shop, but each vendor don't have their own login and management.

And in the front I would like to share the cart. and can buy from different shop. If multiple subdomain supported that would be more better. Web 2.0 design would be much more preferable.

Any suggestion? I google some of it, hopefully can get more references. Buy / Open source also please advice. I don't think this kind of system got open source :p


2 回答 2


我现在能想到的唯一解决方案是 Magento Enterprise。您可以使用高级管理功能将管理员隔离到他们的店面或网站部分。


如果您能够支付该软件的费用,我认为它会很好地满足您的需求(正如我所看到的有限需求)。如果你是一位经验丰富的 PHP 开发人员,你应该能够处理代码(它只需要涉及大量的谷歌搜索,但你会弄明白的)

于 2010-06-18T02:29:36.790 回答

最后我决定买 X-Cart Pro,因为我内置了多供应商功能。其他电商没有这个功能或者需要自定义。

于 2010-07-08T06:04:57.607 回答