经过一些试验后,我在角色的脖子上安装了一个空的(HeadCam)。这个片段允许头部与 CardboardHead/Camera 同步旋转。

void LateUpdate() {
    neckBone.transform.rotation = Camera.transform.rotation *  Quaternion.Euler( 0,0,-90);
    Camera.transform.position = HeadCam.transform.position;


当只有头部在 -60° 到 60° 的范围内旋转时,角色的手臂不应该移动,之后我想在手臂仍然可见的情况下移动整个角色。只要字符旋转不超过 180°,以下方法就可以工作,然后字符翻转 180°,我怎样才能实现恒定旋转?

void LateUpdate() {
    Quaternion camRot = Camera.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler( 0,0,-90);                 
    neckBone.transform.rotation = camRot;
    float yrot = camRot.eulerAngles.y;
    float ydelta = 0;
    if ( yrot < 300f && yrot > 180 ) {
        ydelta = yrot - 300f;
    if ( yrot > 60f && yrot < 180 ) {
        ydelta = yrot - 60;
    playerObj.transform.rotation =  Quaternion.Euler(0, ydelta, 0); 
    Camera.transform.position = HeadCam.transform.position;


用于独立测试算法的 java 小程序:https ://github.com/3dbug/blender/blob/master/HeadCamRot.java


2 回答 2



// Transform of the full body of the character.
Transform body;
// Transform of the head (child of |body| component).
Transform head;
// Maximum delta angle in degrees.
float maxAngle = 60.0f;

void RotateCharacter(Quaternion target) {
  // Rotate head as much as possible without exceeding the joint angle.
  head.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards (body.rotation, target, maxAngle);
  // Complete the remainder of the rotation by body.
  body.rotation = target * Quaternion.Inverse (head.localRotation);

请记住,您可能需要事先限制非水平旋转,即,我假设传递的旋转的给定 x 和 z 角度不会超过maxAngle。此外,即便如此,如果需要,在上面的函数中添加该限制也应该非常简单。


于 2015-06-06T00:25:33.280 回答


private float bodyRot = 0F;
private float FOV = 70f;

void LateUpdate() {
    if ( neckBone != null ) {
        Quaternion camRotQ = CameraFacing.transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler( 0,0,-90);
        neckBone.transform.rotation = camRotQ;
        float camRot = camRotQ.eulerAngles.y;

        float delta = camRot- bodyRot;
        if ( delta > 180 ) {
            delta -= 360;
        if ( delta < -180 ) {
            delta += 360;
        if ( Math.Abs(delta) > FOV ) {
            if ((delta > FOV || delta < -180) && delta < 180) {
                bodyRot = camRot - FOV;
            delta = camRot- bodyRot;
            if ((delta < FOV || delta > 180 ) ) {
                bodyRot = camRot + FOV;
        playerObj.transform.rotation =  Quaternion.Euler(0, bodyRot, 0); 
        CameraFacing.transform.position = cameraMount.transform.position;
于 2015-06-08T22:13:56.067 回答