I use Adaptive layout features for designing an app. I take a IBOutlet
of an "Aspect Ratio" constraint . I want to change the value of this Aspect Ratio Value to the double of current value. The problem is that "constraint
" property can be set easily from Code, but "multiplier
" property is read only property. For Aspect Ratio Change, "multipier" value change is necessary . How Could I do this?.
@property (retain, nonatomic) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *leftImageWidthAspectRatio;
In code
NSLog(@"cell.leftImageWidthAspectRatio:%@ : %lf %lf",cell.leftImageWidthAspectRatio, cell.leftImageWidthAspectRatio.constant,cell.leftImageWidthAspectRatio.multiplier);
Results that
cell.leftImageWidthAspectRatio:<NSLayoutConstraint:0x7c9f2ed0 UIView:0x7c9f2030.width == 2*RIFeedThumbImageView:0x7c9f2c90.width> : 0.000000 2.000000