我在看中序+预序如何构造唯一的二叉树?并认为用 Idris 写一个正式的证明会很有趣。不幸的是,我很早就被卡住了,试图证明在树中找到元素的方法对应于在它的中序遍历中找到它的方法(当然,我还需要为前序遍历这样做) . 任何想法都会受到欢迎。我对一个完整的解决方案不是特别感兴趣——更多的是帮助我们朝着正确的方向开始。


data Tree a = Tip
            | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)


inorder : Tree a -> List a
inorder Tip = []
inorder (Node l v r) = inorder l ++ [v] ++ inorder r


foldrTree : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
foldrTree c n Tip = n
foldrTree c n (Node l v r) = foldr c (v `c` foldrTree c n r) l
inorder = foldrTree (::) []


data InTree : a -> Tree a -> Type where
  AtRoot : x `InTree` Node l x r
  OnLeft : x `InTree` l -> x `InTree` Node l v r
  OnRight : x `InTree` r -> x `InTree` Node l v r

写起来很容易(使用 的第一个定义inorder

inTreeThenInorder : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `InTree` t -> x `Elem` inorder t



inorderThenInTree : x `Elem` inorder t -> x `InTree` t

不幸的是,到目前为止,我还没有想出任何方法来编写inorderThenInTree我能够证明是inTreeThenInorder. 我想出的唯一一个用途

listSplit : x `Elem` xs ++ ys -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)



  1. 使用Vect而不是List尝试使计算左侧和右侧的内容变得更容易。我陷入了它的“绿色粘液”中。

  2. 玩弄树的旋转,甚至证明树根处的旋转会导致有充分根据的关系。(我没有玩下面的旋转,因为我从来没有想出一种方法来使用这些旋转的任何东西)。

  3. 尝试用有关如何到达它们的信息来装饰树节点。我并没有在这上面花很长时间,因为我想不出一种方法来通过这种方法表达任何有趣的东西。

  4. 试图构建我们将回到我们开始的地方的证明,同时构建这样做的函数。这变得非常混乱,我被困在某个地方或其他地方。


3 回答 3

于 2015-06-03T16:32:26.557 回答

我在 Idris 中写了inorderToFroandinorderFroTo和相关的引理。这是链接。


首先,splitMiddle真的没有必要。如果您对 使用更通用的Right p = listSplit xs ys loc -> elemAppend xs ys p = loc类型splitRight,则可以涵盖相同的内容。



data SplitRes : (x : a) -> (xs, ys : List a) -> (e : Elem x (xs ++ ys)) -> Type where
  SLeft  : (e' : Elem x xs) -> e' ++^ ys = e -> SplitRes x xs ys e
  SRight : (e' : Elem x ys) -> xs ^++ e' = e -> SplitRes x xs ys e

listSplit : (xs, ys : List a) -> (e : Elem x (xs ++ ys)) -> SplitRes x xs ys e

我也可以使用Either (e' : Elem x xs ** (e' ++^ ys = e)) (e' : Elem x ys ** (xs ^++ e' = e))而不是SplitRes. 但是,我遇到了Either. 在我看来,伊德里斯的高阶统一太不稳定了。我无法理解为什么我的unsplitLeft函数不会使用Either. SplitRes它的类型中不包含函数,所以我想这就是它工作更顺畅的原因。

一般来说,此时我推荐 Agda 而不是 Idris 来编写这样的证明。它的检查速度要快得多,而且更加健壮和方便。我很惊讶你能在这里写这么多 Idris 以及关于树遍历的另一个问题。

于 2015-06-07T11:59:16.043 回答

我能够弄清楚如何证明可以从树位置转到列表位置并从读取glguy 的答案中引用的引理类型返回。最终,我也设法走了另一条路,尽管代码(如下)相当糟糕。幸运的是,我能够重用可怕的列表引理来证明相应的关于前序遍历的定理。

module PreIn
import Data.List
%default total

data Tree : Type -> Type where
  Tip : Tree a
  Node : (l : Tree a) -> (v : a) -> (r : Tree a) -> Tree a
%name Tree t, u

data InTree : a -> Tree a -> Type where
  AtRoot : x `InTree` (Node l x r)
  OnLeft : x `InTree` l -> x `InTree` (Node l v r)
  OnRight : x `InTree` r -> x `InTree` (Node l v r)

onLeftInjective : OnLeft p = OnLeft q -> p = q
onLeftInjective Refl = Refl

onRightInjective : OnRight p = OnRight q -> p = q
onRightInjective Refl = Refl

noDups : Tree a -> Type
noDups t = (x : a) -> (here, there : x `InTree` t) -> here = there

noDupsList : List a -> Type
noDupsList xs = (x : a) -> (here, there : x `Elem` xs) -> here = there

inorder : Tree a -> List a
inorder Tip = []
inorder (Node l v r) = inorder l ++ [v] ++ inorder r

rotateInorder : (ll : Tree a) ->
                (vl : a) ->
                (rl : Tree a) ->
                (v : a) ->
                (r : Tree a) ->
                inorder (Node (Node ll vl rl) v r) = inorder (Node ll vl (Node rl v r))
rotateInorder ll vl rl v r =
   rewrite appendAssociative (vl :: inorder rl) [v] (inorder r)
   in rewrite sym $ appendAssociative (inorder rl) [v] (inorder r)
   in rewrite appendAssociative (inorder ll) (vl :: inorder rl) (v :: inorder r)
   in Refl

instance Uninhabited (Here = There y) where
  uninhabited Refl impossible

instance Uninhabited (x `InTree` Tip) where
  uninhabited AtRoot impossible

elemAppend : {x : a} -> (ys,xs : List a) -> x `Elem` xs -> x `Elem` (ys ++ xs)
elemAppend [] xs xInxs = xInxs
elemAppend (y :: ys) xs xInxs = There (elemAppend ys xs xInxs)

appendElem : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) -> x `Elem` xs -> x `Elem` (xs ++ ys)
appendElem (x :: zs) ys Here = Here
appendElem (y :: zs) ys (There pr) = There (appendElem zs ys pr)

tThenInorder : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `InTree` t -> x `Elem` inorder t
tThenInorder (Node l x r) AtRoot = elemAppend _ _ Here
tThenInorder (Node l v r) (OnLeft pr) = appendElem _ _ (tThenInorder _ pr)
tThenInorder (Node l v r) (OnRight pr) = elemAppend _ _ (There (tThenInorder _ pr))

listSplit_lem : (x,z : a) -> (xs,ys:List a) -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)
  -> Either (x `Elem` (z :: xs)) (x `Elem` ys)
listSplit_lem x z xs ys (Left prf) = Left (There prf)
listSplit_lem x z xs ys (Right prf) = Right prf

listSplit : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) -> x `Elem` (xs ++ ys) -> Either (x `Elem` xs) (x `Elem` ys)
listSplit [] ys xelem = Right xelem
listSplit (z :: xs) ys Here = Left Here
listSplit {x} (z :: xs) ys (There pr) = listSplit_lem x z xs ys (listSplit xs ys pr)

  inorderThenT : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> x `Elem` inorder t -> InTree x t
  inorderThenT Tip xInL = absurd xInL
  inorderThenT {x} (Node l v r) xInL = inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (listSplit (inorder l) (v :: inorder r) xInL)

  inorderThenT_lem : (x : a) ->
                     (l : Tree a) -> (v : a) -> (r : Tree a) ->
                     x `Elem` inorder (Node l v r) ->
                     Either (x `Elem` inorder l) (x `Elem` (v :: inorder r)) ->
                     InTree x (Node l v r)
  inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (Left locl) = OnLeft (inorderThenT l locl)
  inorderThenT_lem x l x r xInL (Right Here) = AtRoot
  inorderThenT_lem x l v r xInL (Right (There locr)) = OnRight (inorderThenT r locr)

unsplitRight : {x : a} -> (e : x `Elem` ys) -> listSplit xs ys (elemAppend xs ys e) = Right e
unsplitRight {xs = []} e = Refl
unsplitRight {xs = (x :: xs)} e = rewrite unsplitRight {xs} e in Refl

unsplitLeft : {x : a} -> (e : x `Elem` xs) -> listSplit xs ys (appendElem xs ys e) = Left e
unsplitLeft {xs = []} Here impossible
unsplitLeft {xs = (x :: xs)} Here = Refl
unsplitLeft {xs = (x :: xs)} {ys} (There pr) =
  rewrite unsplitLeft {xs} {ys} pr in Refl

splitLeft_lem1 : (Left (There w) = listSplit_lem x y xs ys (listSplit xs ys z)) ->
                 (Left w = listSplit xs ys z) 

splitLeft_lem1 {w} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs ys z)
  splitLeft_lem1 {w}  Refl | (Left w) = Refl
  splitLeft_lem1 {w}  Refl | (Right s) impossible

splitLeft_lem2 : Left Here = listSplit_lem x x xs ys (listSplit xs ys z) -> Void
splitLeft_lem2 {x} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs ys z)
  splitLeft_lem2 {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Left y) impossible
  splitLeft_lem2 {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Right y) impossible

splitLeft : {x : a} -> (xs,ys : List a) ->
            (loc : x `Elem` (xs ++ ys)) ->
            Left e = listSplit {x} xs ys loc ->
            appendElem {x} xs ys e = loc
splitLeft {e} [] ys loc prf = absurd e
splitLeft (x :: xs) ys Here prf = rewrite leftInjective prf in Refl
splitLeft {e = Here} (x :: xs) ys (There z) prf = absurd (splitLeft_lem2 prf)
splitLeft {e = (There w)} (y :: xs) ys (There z) prf =
  cong $ splitLeft xs ys z (splitLeft_lem1 prf)

splitMiddle_lem3 : Right Here = listSplit_lem y x xs (y :: ys) (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z) ->
                   Right Here = listSplit xs (y :: ys) z

splitMiddle_lem3 {y} {x} {xs} {ys} {z} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z)
  splitMiddle_lem3 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} Refl | (Left w) impossible
  splitMiddle_lem3 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {z = z} prf | (Right w) =
    cong $ rightInjective prf  -- This funny dance strips the Rights off and then puts them
                               -- back on so as to change type.

splitMiddle_lem2 : Right Here = listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl ->
                   elemAppend xs (y :: ys) Here = pl

splitMiddle_lem2 {xs} {y} {ys} {pl} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) proof prpr
  splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = xs} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Left loc) impossible
  splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = []} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Right Here) = rightInjective prpr
  splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = x} {ys = ys} {pl = Here} prf | (Right Here) = (\Refl impossible) prpr
  splitMiddle_lem2 {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {pl = (There z)} prf | (Right Here) =
    cong $ splitMiddle_lem2 {xs} {y} {ys} {pl = z} (splitMiddle_lem3 prpr)

splitMiddle_lem1 : Right Here = listSplit_lem y x xs (y :: ys) (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) ->
                   elemAppend xs (y :: ys) Here = pl

splitMiddle_lem1 {y} {x} {xs} {ys} {pl} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) pl) proof prpr
  splitMiddle_lem1 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Left z) impossible
  splitMiddle_lem1 {y = y} {x = x} {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {pl = pl} Refl | (Right Here) = splitMiddle_lem2 prpr

splitMiddle : Right Here = listSplit xs (y::ys) loc ->
              elemAppend xs (y::ys) Here = loc

splitMiddle {xs = []} prf = rightInjective prf
splitMiddle {xs = (x :: xs)} {loc = Here} Refl impossible
splitMiddle {xs = (x :: xs)} {loc = (There y)} prf = cong $ splitMiddle_lem1 prf

splitRight_lem1 : Right (There pl) = listSplit (q :: xs) (y :: ys) (There z) ->
                  Right (There pl) = listSplit xs (y :: ys) z

splitRight_lem1 {xs} {ys} {y} {z} prf with (listSplit xs (y :: ys) z)
  splitRight_lem1 {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {y = y} {z = z} Refl | (Left x) impossible
  splitRight_lem1 {xs = xs} {ys = ys} {y = y} {z = z} prf | (Right x) =
    cong $ rightInjective prf  -- Type dance: take the Right off and put it back on.

splitRight : Right (There pl) = listSplit xs (y :: ys) loc ->
             elemAppend xs (y :: ys) (There pl) = loc
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = []} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = loc} prf = rightInjective prf
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = Here} Refl impossible
splitRight {pl = pl} {xs = (x :: xs)} {y = y} {ys = ys} {loc = (There z)} prf =
  let rec = splitRight {pl} {xs} {y} {ys} {loc = z} in cong $ rec (splitRight_lem1 prf)

-- tThenInorder is a bijection from ways to find a particular element in a tree
-- and ways to find that element in its inorder traversal. `inorderToFro`
-- and `inorderFroTo` together demonstrate this by showing that `inorderThenT` is
-- its inverse.

||| `tThenInorder t` is a retraction of `inorderThenT t`
inorderFroTo : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> (loc : x `Elem` inorder t) -> tThenInorder t (inorderThenT t loc) = loc
inorderFroTo Tip loc = absurd loc
inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc with (listSplit (inorder l) (v :: inorder r) loc) proof prf
  inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Left here) =
    rewrite inorderFroTo l here in splitLeft _ _ loc prf
  inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Right Here) = splitMiddle prf
  inorderFroTo (Node l v r) loc | (Right (There x)) =
    rewrite inorderFroTo r x in splitRight prf

||| `inorderThenT t` is a retraction of `tThenInorder t`
inorderToFro : {x : a} -> (t : Tree a) -> (loc : x `InTree` t) -> inorderThenT t (tThenInorder t loc) = loc
inorderToFro (Node l v r) (OnLeft xInL) =
  rewrite unsplitLeft {ys = v :: inorder r} (tThenInorder l xInL)
  in cong $ inorderToFro _ xInL
inorderToFro (Node l x r) AtRoot =
  rewrite unsplitRight {x} {xs = inorder l} {ys = x :: inorder r} (tThenInorder (Node Tip x r) AtRoot)
  in Refl
inorderToFro {x} (Node l v r) (OnRight xInR) =
  rewrite unsplitRight {x} {xs = inorder l} {ys = v :: inorder r} (tThenInorder (Node Tip v r) (OnRight xInR))
  in cong $ inorderToFro _ xInR
于 2015-06-04T17:43:44.177 回答