I'm in the middle of writing my thesis, and was using KOMA-Script. The document compiles just fine. I stumbled upon the memoir class yesterday, and was thinking of giving it a try, so here I am trying to compile with this class instead of KOMA-Script. First compilation is OK. On second compilation, the document would not build

(./fourier/fourier.tex [98]
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ... C\protect \noexpand \protect \bond 
                                                  \protect \noexpand \protec...
l.1 \chapter
            {Homogénéisation numérique par transformée de Fourier rapide}

It has apparently not connected to hyperlink (btw, I'm using memhfixc), since I've commented this one out. Here is the preamble of my document, any thoughts?

%\documentclass[draft, 11pt, a4paper, chapterprefix]{scrreprt}
\documentclass[draft, 11pt, a4paper]{memoir}
\usepackage[authoryear, round]{natbib}

\usepackage{txfonts} % Polices times

\usepackage[notref, notcite]{showkeys}


%\usepackage{memhfixc} % Pour assurer la compatibilité entre memoir et hyperref

% Options KOMA-Script
% \addtokomafont{caption}{\small}
% \pagestyle{headings}

1 回答 1


我找到了答案,对于那些可能感兴趣的人。scrbook当我意识到当我使用 KOMA-Script类而不是KOMA-Script 类时发生了完全相同的问题时,我开始产生严重的怀疑scrreprt......


于 2010-06-18T02:44:37.777 回答