我现在得到的是一个每 5000 毫秒触发一次的计时器:
static Timer _aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
static void Main(string[] args)
_aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent);
_aTimer.Interval = 5000;
_aTimer.Enabled = true;
Console.WriteLine("Press \'q\' to quit the sample.");
while (Console.Read() != 'q') ;
private static void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e)
// stop the timer so we dont reprocess files we already have in the queue
// setup a list of queues
var lists = new List<IncomingOrderQueue>();
//get the accounts in which the files we are looking in
var accounts = new List<string>() { "Account1", "Account2" };
//loop through the accounts and set up the queue
foreach (var acc in accounts)
// create the queue
var tmp = new IncomingOrderQueue();
// for each file in the folders add it to be processed in the queue
foreach (var orderFile in OrderFiles(acc))
tmp.EnqueueSweep(new QueueVariables() { Account = acc, File = orderFile });
// add the queue to the list of queues
// for each of the queues consume all the contents of them
Parallel.ForEach(lists, l => l.Consume());
//start the timer back up again because we have finished all the files we have in the current queue
public static void StopTimer()
Console.WriteLine("Stop Timer");
_aTimer.Enabled = false;
public static void StartTimer()
Console.WriteLine("Start Timer");
_aTimer.Enabled = true;
public class IncomingOrderQueue
BlockingCollection<QueueVariables> _orderQ = new BlockingCollection<QueueVariables>();
public void EnqueueSweep(QueueVariables incoming)
// add items to the queue
public void Consume()
// stop anything been adding to the queue
// consume all the objects in the blocking collection
Parallel.ForEach(_orderQ.GetConsumingEnumerable(), Processor.Order.Object);
public int QueueCount
return _orderQ.Count;
我不禁认为有更好的方法来做我正在做的事情,特别是当将为帐户创建的队列数量为 200 - 400 时。