在过去的几个小时里,我一直在深入研究 stackoverflow 以及其他令人惊叹的 Jekyll 教程网站,但还没有找到解决这个特定问题的方法。=[

我没有使用 site.tags 或 site.categories,而是在“博客”类别下创建了自己的名为“子类别”的自定义标签。目标是尝试为每个人获得一个后期计数。我发现的教程完美地适用于类别和标签,而不是自定义前端问题。


[design, gaming]

我正在寻找一个将帖子计数增加 1 的代码,因为它意识到有一个包含子类别的帖子。由于我没有使用插件,因此子类别的完整列表实际上在数据 .yml 文件中单独列出(除了我的帖子的开头)。


<ul class="blog__sidebar__subcategories m-t-s">
  {% for subcategory in site.data.subcategories %}

      <a class="blog__sidebar__subcategories__item" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/blog/{{ subcategory.class }}">
      <li>{{ subcategory.class }}

          {% assign counter = '0' %}
          {% assign subcat_data == site.data.subcategories %}
            {% for post in site.categories.blog  %}
            {% if subcat_data == post.subcategories %}
              {% capture counter %}{{ counter | plus: '1' }}{% endcapture %}
            {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            ({{ counter }})
  {% endfor %}


design | 6 
gamingdesign | 6 
gaming | 6 
gaming | 6

这是我的 .yml 文件的外观(简单):

- class: design

- class: gaming


<ul class="blog__sidebar__subcategories m-t-s">
  {% for subcategory in site.data.subcategories %}

      <a class="blog__sidebar__subcategories__item" href="{{ site.baseurl }}/blog/{{ subcategory.class }}">
      <li>{{ subcategory.class }}</li>
  {% endfor %}

如果我不小心违反了 stackoverflow 的任何社交礼仪,请告诉我。第一次发帖!谢谢你一百万。


1 回答 1


Jekyll 不能很好地处理用户数组。我认为你最好坚持 Jekyll 现有的机制。


layout: post
date: 2014-08-14 07:51:24 +02:00
title: Your title
categories: [ blog ]
  - design
  - gaming


{% for tag in site.tags %}

  {% comment %}+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
    tag = Array [
            Array [
              #Jekyll:Post @id="/blog/1993/02/08/index",
              #Jekyll:Post @id="/blog/1991/08/14/index"

    Values in this tag array are :
      - tag[0] -> "design"
      - tag[1] -> an Array of posts that have the design tag

    Here, we can already do a  "{{ tag [0] }} : {{ tag[1] | size }}" 
    that will give us the count for each tag's posts array.

    But if one post insn't in "blog" category but has a tag used 
    in the "blog" category, it will be counted here.

    Where must count only posts that are in the "blog" category.
  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++{% endcomment %}

  {% assign counter = 0 %}

  {% for post in tag[1]  %}
    {% if post.categories contains "blog" %}
      {% assign counter = counter | plus: 1 %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% comment %}+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  Only print counter if the current tag has "blog" posts
  +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++{% endcomment %}
  {% if counter > 0 %}
      <p>{{ tag[0] }} : {{ counter }}</p>
  {% endif %}

{% endfor %}
于 2015-05-28T14:10:18.773 回答