我有一个使用 Lua 5.2.1 的 Visual Studio 2008 C++03 项目,我希望迭代器返回一个对象,以便我可以获取参数值或调用相关函数。例如:
for f in foo.list() do
if f:bar() then
print(string.format( "%d: %s", f.id, f.name))
我正在使用以下 C++ 代码来实现这一点(省略了错误检查):
struct Foo {
int id;
char name[ 256 ];
HANDLE foo_handle;
int foo_list( lua_State* L )
Foo* f = ( Foo* )lua_newuserdata( L, sizeof( Foo ) );
ZeroMemory( f, sizeof( Foo ) );
luaL_getmetatable( L, foo_metatable );
lua_setmetatable( L, -2 );
f->foo_handle = CreateFooHandle();
lua_pushcclosure( L, foo_iter, 1 );
return 1;
int foo_iter( lua_State* L )
Foo* foo = ( Foo* )lua_touserdata( L, lua_upvalueindex( 1 ) );
if( GetNextFoo( foo ) ) /*sets the id and name parameters*/
// is this correct? I need to return some object...
luaL_getmetatable( L, foo_metatable );
return 1;
return 0;
int foo_name( lua_State* L )
Foo* f = ( Foo* )luaL_checkudata( L, 1, foo_metatable );
lua_pushstring( L, f->name );
return 1;
int foo_id( lua_State* L )
Foo* f = ( Foo* )luaL_checkudata( L, 1, foo_metatable );
lua_pushinteger( L, f->id );
return 1;
int foo_bar( lua_State* L )
Foo* f = ( Foo* )luaL_checkudata( L, 1, foo_metatable );
if( FooBar( f ) )
lua_pushboolean( L, true );
lua_pushboolean( L, false );
return 1;
int foo_close( lua_State* L ) { /*omitted. this part works*/ }
extern "C" int luaopen_foo( lua_State* L )
// how do I differentiate between a parameter get and a function call?
const luaL_Reg foo_methods[] = {
{ "name", foo_name },
{ "id", foo_id },
{ "bar", foo_bar },
{ "__gc", foo_close },
luaL_newmetatable( L, foo_metatable );
luaL_setfuncs( L, foo_methods, 0 );
const luaL_Reg foo[] = {
{ "list", foo_list }
luaL_newlib( L, foo );
return 1;
但是,当我运行它时,我得到了 Lua 错误:foo.lua:2: calling 'bar' on bad self
我意识到有包装器可以做到这一点,但我更愿意在实现任何包装器之前了解底层的 Lua 机制。