目前,Oracle Commerce Guided Search (Endeca) 仅支持特定于语言的分区(即,每个语言一个 MDEX)。对于具有庞大数据量基础的系统(比如约 200 个存储的约 1 亿条记录),是否有人成功地实现了基于逻辑数据组的数据分区(分片)(即,每个存储组一个 MDEX)一组数据可以分成更小的数据组吗?



2 回答 2


不要认为这是可能的。Endeca 曾经支持 Adgidx,它允许您拆分或分片 mdex,但不再支持。Oracle 删除这一点的理由是,对于多线程和多核处理器,不再需要它。然而,Apache Solr 支持共享

于 2017-03-21T19:02:33.497 回答

The large set of data can be broken into smaller sets, where each set would be attributed to a property, say record.type, which would identify the different sets. So, basically we are normalizing the records in the Endeca index.

Now, while querying endeca, we can use the concept of record relationship navigation queries, using record-record relationships by applying a relationship filter, to bring back records of different types. However, you might have to obtain a RRN license to enable the RRN feature in the mdex engine.

于 2017-04-17T23:47:43.257 回答