我正在使用 Unity 5 和 Tango 并尝试获取区域学习示例代码 (Nash) 以将 ADF 导出到 SD 卡。我得到的 logcat 中的错误是:
I/tango_client_api( 195): Tango Service: saveAreaDescriptionMetadata, internal status 0
W/tango_client_api( 195): The application 'com.projecttango.experiments.unityarealearning' has no ADF import/export permissions. Instead of calling import/export through the Tango Service API, call the import/export Android intent.
I/tango_client_api( 195): Tango Service: exportAreaDescription, internal status -6
E/tango ( 195): TangoServer.cc:309 Export Area Description has no permission.
E/tango_client_api( 9873): TangoErrorType TangoService_exportAreaDescription(const char*, const char*): Internal Error: Could not export the ADF: 95f406fa-f24f-41bc-9355-5abd0db68c14 into folder: /sdcard/defaultArea.
I/Unity ( 9873): PoseProvider.ExportAreaDescription() Could not export area description: 95f406fa-f24f-41bc-9355-5abd0db68c14
I/Unity ( 9873):
I/Unity ( 9873): (Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebug.gen.cpp Line: 56)
I/Unity ( 9873):
似乎我必须复制此基于 Intent 的导出和导入权限,而不仅仅是 ADF 加载和保存(请参阅:https ://developers.google.com/project-tango/apis/java/java-user-permissions )
但是在 C# Unity 中,我不知道怎么做。