# Data Structures
## PlayerRank (object)
Represents the minimum amount of data the the client needs to send to give rank information about a particular Player in a particular Played Game.
+ playerId (number, required) - NemeStats unique identifier for the Player.
+ gameRank (number, required) - The corresponding rank of the Player in this Played Game. A rank of 1 means the Player got first place, 2 means second place, and so on.
+ pointsScored (number, optional) - Integer number of points the Player scored in the Played Game.
## Create a new Played Game [POST]
This service will record a new Played Game.
+ Attributes
+ gameDefinitionId (number, required) - NemeStats unique identifier for the Game Definition (e.g. Race For the Galaxy's unique Id) of the Played Game.
+ datePlayed (string, optional) - The date the game was played in yyyy-MM-dd format (e.g. 2015-04-29).
+ notes (string, optional) - Any notes or comments that the User wants to record about the game for future reference.
+ playerRanks (array[PlayerRank], required) - A collection of PlayerRank objects specifying the game rank and points scored for each Player. See below table for details.
我希望 Apiary.io 文档不仅显示顶级属性的定义,还显示 PlayerRank 对象的定义。作为一名试图理解 UI 的开发人员,我想查看每个对象和字段的定义,以便知道如何正确地形成请求。现在它只给出了 playerRanks 对象的描述,即:“指定每个玩家的游戏等级和得分的 PlayerRank 对象的集合。” 但它没有扩展定义以显示 PlayerRank 数据结构的所有属性。
知道 Apiary.io 文档是否可以促进这一点吗?