我正在尝试在 Windows 8 64 位中使用 Testacular 测试 AngularJS 应用程序。
当我运行“yeoman test”或“testacular start”命令时,我收到一条错误消息;“该系统找不到指定的路径”:
C:\Users\me\Dropbox\GitHub\Studentportalen\studentportalen>yeoman test
Running "test" task
info: Testacular server started at http://localhost:8080/
info (launcher): Starting browser PhantomJS
warn (watcher): Pattern "C:/Users/me/Dropbox/GitHub/Studentportalen/st
udentportalen/test/mock/**/*.js" does not match any file.
error (launcher): Cannot start PhantomJS
CreateProcessW: The system cannot find the path specified.
info (launcher): Trying to start PhantomJS again.
error (launcher): Cannot start PhantomJS
CreateProcessW: The system cannot find the path specified.
info (launcher): Trying to start PhantomJS again.
error (launcher): Cannot start PhantomJS
CreateProcessW: The system cannot find the path specified.
info: Disconnecting all browsers
<WARN> Command failed: Use --force to continue. </WARN>
Aborted due to warnings.
我尝试将 Testacular 设置为使用 Chrome 而不是 PhantomJS,但得到了同样的错误。所以 PhantomJS 不是问题。
我听说这是因为 Node.js 不喜欢 64 位 Windows (?)。一种解决方法是设置一个 32 位 VM 进行测试,但这显然不是最优的。