我对 java 比较陌生,所以如果我在这里遗漏了一些明显的东西,我不会感到惊讶。无论如何,我编写了一个使用二分法找到多项式根的代码。我认为该程序一切都很好而且很花哨,直到我将它从记事本++粘贴到命令提示符下,在使用 javac 编译它后,我最终得到了一堆“类、接口或枚举预期”的错误。代码本身的一切似乎都很好,所以我推断我犯了以下两个错误之一:在我复制并粘贴到命令提示符时发生了错误,或者我确实在我的代码中创建了一个错误我没抓到。有人能告诉我我做错了什么吗?这可能是一个小修复,但我只是不知道如何更改它以使我的代码正常工作。这是代码:
import java.util.*;
class Roots {
public static int degree;
public static double[] coArrayC;
public static double[] coArrayD;
public static int coeffVal;
public static void main( String[] args ){
double resolution = 0.01;
double tolerance = 0.0000001;
double threshold = 0.001;
double rightEndPt;
double leftEndPt;
int polyRootPointer = 0;
int diffRootPointer = 0;
boolean rootAns = false;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("Enter the degree: "); //prompts user to enter the correct degree of the polynomial
degree = sc.nextInt();
coeffVal = degree + 1; //the coefficient is one more than the number of degrees
System.out.print("Enter " + coeffVal + " coefficients: "); //adds in the value of the polynomial coefficient in to the line that prompts the user to specify which coefficients are in the function
double[] coefficients = new double[coeffVal]; //initialization of array, a bunch of doubles that represent the coefficients of the user's polynomial
coArrayC = new double[coeffVal]; //naming the array
double[] rootArray = new double[degree];//another array for the degrees of the polynomial
coArrayD = new double[coeffVal]; //and assigning it a name
for(int i = 0; i < coeffVal; i++) {
coefficients[i] = sc.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the right and left endpoints, in that order: "); //prompts user to enter the interval limits
rightEndPt = sc.nextDouble();
leftEndPt = sc.nextDouble();
diff(coefficients); //calculates coefficients of derivative polynomial
for (double i = leftEndPt; i < rightEndPt-resolution; i = i + resolution){ //
if (isPositive(coArrayD, i) != isPositive(coArrayD, i+resolution) || isPositive(coArrayD, i) == 0) {
rootArrayDeriv[diffRootPointer] = findRoot(coArrayD, i, i+resolution, tolerance);
for (int i = 0; i < rootArrayDeriv.length; i++) {
double tempValue;
tempValue = poly(coefficients, rootArrayDeriv[i]);
tempValue = Math.abs(tempValue);
if (tempValue < threshold) {
rootArray[polyRootPointer] = rootArrayDeriv[i];
rootAns = true;
for (double i = leftEndPt; i < rightEndPt-resolution; i = i + resolution){
if (isPositive(coefficients, i) != isPositive(coefficients, i+resolution) || isPositive(coefficients, i) == 0) {
rootArray[polyRootPointer] = findRoot(coefficients, i, i+resolution, tolerance);
rootAns = true;
//Arrays.sort(rootArray); //sorts array from lowest to highest
if (rootAns == true) {
System.out.println("Sorry - no roots were found in the specified interval.");
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < rootArray.length; i++) {
if (rootArray[i] != 0.0) {
System.out.printf("Root found at %.5f\n :" Arrays.sort(rootArray[i])); //if roots are found, list them as an output, with five decimal places of accuracy
static double poly(double[] C, double x){
double polySum = 0;
coArrayC[0] = C[0];
for (int i = 1; i < coArrayC.length; i++){
coArrayC[i] = C[i]*(Math.pow(x, i)); //multiplies each coefficient by the designated power of X
for (int i = 0; i < coArrayC.length; i++){
polySum = polySum + coArrayC[i]; //accumulates the sum of of all the terms, after the coeff. were multiplied to their respective powers.
static double[] diff(double[] C){
for (int i = 0; i < degree; i++){
coArrayD[i] = (i+1)*C[i+1]; //newly allocated array D containing coeff. of the polynomial that is the derivative of the polynomial with coeff. array C.
static double findRoot(double[] C, double a, double b, double tolerance){ //using bisection method; similar to findRoot.java in cmps webpage.
double root = 0.0 , residual;
while ( Math.abs(b - a) > tolerance ) {
root = (a + b) / 2.0;
residual = poly(C, root);
if (poly(C, a) < 0 && poly(C, b) < 0) {
if (residual > 0)
b = root;
a = root;
} else if (poly(C, a) > 0 && poly(C, b) > 0) {
if (residual > 0)
a = root; //replace left endpoint
b = root; //replace right endpoint
static int isPositive(double[] C, double a){
double endpointTempA;
endpointTempA = poly(C, a);
if (endpointTempA < 0) {
} else if (endpointTempA > 0) {
} else {