I am trying to code an Snmp agent using OpenDMK but the project is not able to build while using 'ant buildall' command in command prompt.

I have followed the same steps as written over here "https://opendmk.java.net/download/index.html". But in the end it shows "BUILD FAIL" with 100 errors and 100 warnings. I want to use mibgen and I can't find another way.

Also plz let me know if there is any way to do this using snmp4j-agent. There I am getting this error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: LOCAL_ENGINE_ID

I want to register OIDs with snmp agent and want to integrate the same with manager server. Also I am working on Windows 7 with jdk 1.8


1 回答 1


“也许”为时已晚,但您无需构建项目即可使用 OpenDMK 中的 mibgen 命令。

我刚刚从您指向的页面下载了完整的二进制包,它包含可以使用的命令。我可以从 MIB 文件生成 MBean 接口和实现。

我只需更改文件 mibgen.bat 以将JDMK_HOME指向我的发行版。

于 2016-03-17T13:05:17.023 回答