Currently i have a workflow of 2 levels (local<->online), but i would like to have a 3 level workflow by getting a demo server in the middle (local<->demo<->online). I will describe in details how it is set up currently, and what in details i would like to achieve eventually.

What i have now -

  • multiple local repositories of the same project (my PC and colluegues PCs)
  • online site server (where the site is available to public use, me or other devs from the team may push their ready parts of work from their localhost repositories to here, and pull from here, this is a bare repository added to the local ones over origin master, once pushed up online a hook automatically deploys the pushed changes).

What i would like to have -

  • multiple local repositories of the same project (my PC and colluegues PCs)
  • demo server where all devs can push and pull from to their local repositories. There should be automatic deployment. Once tested on demo the project should go up online. ( i am in doubt how to incorporate all this part...)
  • online bare repository where, we push and pull from the demo server repository. If pushed from demo, it should be auto deployed.

What is the best way to organize this kind of workflow?


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但是由于任何 Git 存储库都只是一个 Git 存储库,因此您可以从中推送或获取,因此无论您是从开发人员框推送到在线存储库,还是从演示存储库推送到在线存储库,都没有区别。如果您对演示存储库应该是裸露的事实感到困惑,那么不要害怕——您也可以从裸露的存储库中推送和获取;唯一在裸仓库中不起作用的命令是那些触及索引和工作树的命令。

你应该关注的是你应该如何在更广泛的意义上使用演示 repo。说,您可以在演示存储库中进行快速修复吗?如果是这样,它们必须由开发人员获取,或者必须先推送到在线仓库,然后再从那里获取......

于 2015-04-30T16:25:20.943 回答