The global settings options doesnt seem to available anymore. Im logged in as admin and im using Sonarqube 4.0. I did a restore of Sonar from the past working state, but still that doesn't work as well. May be something changed on DB. Any suggestions how to make the settings button re-appear.

Thanks, Manny! Screen shot of sonar and admin login


1 回答 1


除非您自己手动进行此类更改,否则无法在数据库中进行此类更改...(在运行 SQL 脚本或通过 UI 时)

现在您必须手动更新数据库以将管理员角色恢复为管理员用户。看一下“GROUPS_USERS”表:您应该有一个将“admin”用户链接到“admin”角色的条目。通常,这是行是“1, 1”。如果这样的行不存在,只需使用 INSERT SQL 查询添加它。

于 2015-04-30T10:28:26.203 回答