在 StreamInsight 2.1 中,我尝试使用用户定义的函数来扩展功能。目前,所有工作都在 IDE 中。


var foo = from ev in source
select new MyDataType
    NewRate = Parse(ev.NewValue, "New rate")
public static string Parse(string fromString, string pattern)
    return "Hello";

这很好,一切运行正常,但它不会让我使用 f11 或断点进入 UDF。有没有一种简单的方法来查看 UDF 的阴谋?


1 回答 1


I think I found my own answer. In reality I was just defining the declaration of the function, not the processing of the function. It's not until foo is actually used that the breakpoint is hit. This comes later with the binding

using (IDisposable proc = query.Bind(sink).Run("MyProcess"))

When this is done, I do actually hit my break point

于 2015-04-28T17:49:28.630 回答