我从 Blackberry 知识库中找到了一个示例应用程序。
从该应用程序中,我将该示例应用程序放在了我的 eclipse 插件上,代码如下:
import javax.microedition.io.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*;
import net.rim.device.api.system.*;
import net.rim.device.api.xml.parsers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
class XML_Parsing_Sample extends UiApplication {
// creating a member variable for the MainScreen
MainScreen _screen = new MainScreen();
// string variables to store the values of the XML document
String _node, _element;
Connection _connectionthread;
public static void main(String arg[]) {
XML_Parsing_Sample application = new XML_Parsing_Sample();
// create a new instance of the application
// and start the application on the event thread
public XML_Parsing_Sample() {
_screen.setTitle("XML Parsing");// setting title
_screen.add(new RichTextField("Requesting....."));
_screen.add(new SeparatorField());
pushScreen(_screen); // creating a screen
// creating a connection thread to run in the background
_connectionthread = new Connection();
_connectionthread.start();// starting the thread operation
public void updateField(String node, String element) {
// receiving the parsed node and its value from the thread
// and updating it here
// so it can be displayed on the screen
String title = "My App";
_screen.add(new RichTextField(node + " : " + element));
if (node.equals(title)) {
_screen.add(new SeparatorField());
private class Connection extends Thread {
public Connection() {
public void run() {
// define variables later used for parsing
Document doc;
StreamConnection conn;
try {
// providing the location of the XML file,
// your address might be different
conn = (StreamConnection) Connector
// next few lines creates variables to open a
// stream, parse it, collect XML data and
// extract the data which is required.
// In this case they are elements,
// node and the values of an element
DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory
DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory
doc = docBuilder.parse(conn.openInputStream());
NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("*");
_node = new String();
_element = new String();
// this "for" loop is used to parse through the
// XML document and extract all elements and their
// value, so they can be displayed on the device
for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) {
Node value = list.item(i).getChildNodes().item(0);
_node = list.item(i).getNodeName();
_element = value.getNodeValue();
updateField(_node, _element);
}// end for
}// end try
// will catch any exception thrown by the XML parser
catch (Exception e) {
Dialog.alert("exception = " + e);
}// end connection function
}// end connection class
}// end XML_Parsing_Sample