I implemented one's complement addition of 16 bit integers in python, however I am trying to see if there is a better way to do it.
# This function returns a string of the bits (exactly 16 bits)
# for the number (in base 10 passed to it)
def get_bits(some_num):
binar = bin(some_num)[2::]
zeroes = 16 - len(binar)
padding = zeroes*"0"
binar = padding + binar
return binar
# This function adds the numbers, and handles the carry over
# from the most significant bit
def add_bits(num1, num2):
result = bin(int(num1,2) + int(num2,2))[2::]
# There is no carryover
if len(result) <= 16 :
result = get_bits(int(result,2))
# There is carryover
else :
result = result[1::]
one = '0000000000000001'
result = bin(int(result,2) + int(one,2))[2::]
result = get_bits(int(result,2))
return result
And now an example of running it would be:
print add_bits("1010001111101001", "1000000110110101")
returns :
Is what wrote safe as far as results (Note I didn't do any negation here since that part is trivial, I am more interested in the intermediate steps)? Is there a better pythonic way to do it? Thanks for any help.