我有一个相当大的 GWT 应用程序,我想试试 gwteventservice。为此,我从Maven Repository Page获取了 1.2.1 版本的依赖项:


在将它添加到我pom.xml的 Maven 依赖项并对我的项目进行干净构建之后,突然出现了一大堆编译器错误。
我从 Eclipse 的“问题”选项卡中复制了相关消息(每一行都是一个单独的条目):

The method setCellStyleNames(String) is undefined for the type Column<T,capture#5-of ?>
The constructor SimplePager(SimplePager.TextLocation, boolean, int, boolean) is undefined
com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context cannot be resolved to a type
com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context cannot be resolved to a type
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource GameSearchTable.java
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource GameSearchTable.java
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource GameSearchTable.java
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource GameSearchTable.java
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource GameSearchTable.java
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type GameSearchTable.RatingColumn
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type GameSearchTable.StatusColumn
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type TextColumn<GameDTO>
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type TextColumn<GameDTO>
The type GameSearchTable.RatingCell must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractCell<GameDTO>.render(GameDTO, Object, SafeHtmlBuilder)
The type GameSearchTable.StatusCell must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractCell<GameDTO>.render(GameDTO, Object, SafeHtmlBuilder)
com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context cannot be resolved to a type
com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context cannot be resolved to a type
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type GameTable.RatingColumn
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type GameTable.StatusColumn
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type TextColumn<GameDTO>
The type GameTable.RatingCell must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractCell<GameDTO>.render(GameDTO, Object, SafeHtmlBuilder)
The type GameTable.StatusCell must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractCell<GameDTO>.render(GameDTO, Object, SafeHtmlBuilder)
The constructor ActivityManager(ActivityMapper, EventBus) is undefined
The method register(com.google.gwt.place.shared.PlaceController, com.google.gwt.event.shared.EventBus, com.google.gwt.place.shared.Place) in the type PlaceHistoryHandler is not applicable for the arguments (com.google.gwt.place.shared.PlaceController, com.google.web.bindery.event.shared.EventBus, com.google.gwt.place.shared.Place)
The constructor PlaceController(EventBus) is undefined
com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context cannot be resolved to a type
com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context cannot be resolved to a type
com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell.Context cannot be resolved to a type
Context cannot be resolved to a type
Context cannot be resolved to a type
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method getSafeUri() is undefined for the type ImageResource
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type PlatformTable.ProgressBarColumn
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type PlatformTable.RatingColumn
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type PlatformTable.StatusColumn
The method setSortable(boolean) is undefined for the type TextColumn<PlatformDTO>
The type PlatformTable.ProgressBarCell must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractCell<PlatformDTO>.render(PlatformDTO, Object, SafeHtmlBuilder)
The type PlatformTable.RatingCell must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractCell<PlatformDTO>.render(PlatformDTO, Object, SafeHtmlBuilder)
The type PlatformTable.StatusCell must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractCell<PlatformDTO>.render(PlatformDTO, Object, SafeHtmlBuilder)
The method setWidget(int, int, Widget) in the type HTMLTable is not applicable for the arguments (int, int, IsWidget)
The method setWidget(int, int, Widget) in the type HTMLTable is not applicable for the arguments (int, int, IsWidget)



  • Java 1.7.0_55
  • GWT 2.6.0
  • Maven 3.3.1


  • 在我的pom.xml
  • Eclipse 建议将 Quick-Fix 添加gwt-user.jar到我的构建路径中
  • 将依赖项添加gwt-user到我的pom.xml
  • 将相关的外部 jar 直接添加到我的构建路径中(这是唯一有效的方法,但我真的不喜欢这个解决方案......我宁愿把所有东西都放在我的pom.xml.


  • 为什么添加依赖项会破坏我的项目和
  • 我怎样才能解决这个问题?



2 回答 2


gwteventservice如您在此处看到的,依赖于 gwt 2.1.0 。我认为您不能将它与 GWT 2.6.0 一起使用。

于 2015-04-23T21:08:36.270 回答




于 2015-04-24T16:42:54.963 回答