我正在为图片上的直方图编写 CUDA 内核,但我不知道如何从内核返回一个数组,并且当其他线程读取它时该数组会改变。有什么可能的解决方案吗?
__global__ void Hist(
TColor *dst, //input image
int imageW,
int imageH,
const int ix = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
const int iy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
if(ix < imageW && iy < imageH)
int pixel = get_red(dst[imageW * (iy) + (ix)]);
//this assign specific RED value of image to pixel
data[pixel] ++; // ?? problem statement ...
@para d_dst:输入图像 TColor 等于 float4。
@para 数据:直方图大小的数组 [255]
extern "C" void
cuda_Hist(TColor *d_dst, int imageW, int imageH,int* data)
dim3 threads(BLOCKDIM_X, BLOCKDIM_Y);
dim3 grid(iDivUp(imageW, BLOCKDIM_X), iDivUp(imageH, BLOCKDIM_Y));
Hist<<<grid, threads>>>(d_dst, imageW, imageH, data);