我正在使用 warp、wai 和 acid-state 在 haskell 中编写 Web 服务。到目前为止,我有两个需要数据库交互的处理函数,后者给我带来了麻烦。
registerUser :: AcidState UserDatabase -> Maybe (Map.Map String String) -> Response
registerUser db maybeUserMap =
case maybeUserMap of
(Just u) -> let _ = fmap (\id -> update db (StoreUser (toString id) u)) (nextRandom)
in resPlain status200 "User Created."
Nothing -> resPlain status401 "Invalid user JSON."
通过在let _ = ..
loginUser :: AcidState UserDatabase -> String -> Response
loginUser db username = do
maybeUserMap <- (query db (FetchUser username))
case maybeUserMap of
(Just u) -> resJSON u
Nothing -> resPlain status401 "Invalid username."
Couldn't match type ‘IO b0’ with ‘Response’
Expected type: IO (EventResult FetchUser)
-> (EventResult FetchUser -> IO b0) -> Response
Actual type: IO (EventResult FetchUser)
-> (EventResult FetchUser -> IO b0) -> IO b0
In a stmt of a 'do' block:
maybeUserMap <- (query db (FetchUser username))
In the expression:
do { maybeUserMap <- (query db (FetchUser username));
case maybeUserMap of {
(Just u) -> resJSON u
Nothing -> resPlain status401 "Invalid username." } }
In an equation for ‘loginUser’:
loginUser db username
= do { maybeUserMap <- (query db (FetchUser username));
case maybeUserMap of {
(Just u) -> resJSON u
Nothing -> resPlain status401 "Invalid username." } }
Couldn't match expected type ‘IO b0’ with actual type ‘Response’
In the expression: resJSON u
In a case alternative: (Just u) -> resJSON u
Couldn't match expected type ‘IO b0’ with actual type ‘Response’
In the expression: resPlain status401 "Invalid username."
In a case alternative:
Nothing -> resPlain status401 "Invalid username."
我相信该错误是由 db 查询返回一个IO
将类型签名更改为IO Response
,而不是一个IO Response
registerUser :: AcidState UserDatabase -> Maybe (Map.Map String String) -> Response
registerUser db maybeUserMap =
case maybeUserMap of
(Just u) -> do uuid <- (nextRandom)
update db (StoreUser (toString uuid) u)
resPlain status200 (toString uuid)
Nothing -> resPlain status401 "Invalid user JSON."
authRoutes :: AcidState UserDatabase -> Request -> [Text.Text] -> String -> Response
authRoutes db request path body =
case path of
("register":rest) -> registerUser db (decode (LB.pack body) :: Maybe (Map.Map String String))
("login":rest) -> loginUser db body
("access":rest) -> resPlain status404 "Not implemented."
_ -> resPlain status404 "Not Found."
如何避免这些 IO 错误?