我正在尝试将 mongodb 集合转储到文件,然后使用它来恢复到另一个 mongodb 实例。

倾倒 -

mongodump --host --port 27017 --username vespauser --password <passwd> --collection vespastats --db vespa --out /archive/vespa-archive/vespa-db-backup_001

    connected to:
    2015-04-21T16:24:07.070-0400 DATABASE: vespa      to     /archive/vespa-archive/vespa-db-backup_testing01/vespa
    2015-04-21T16:24:07.141-0400    vespa.system.indexes to /archive/vespa-archive/vespa-db-backup_testing01/vespa/system.indexes.bson
    2015-04-21T16:24:07.148-0400             4 documents
    2015-04-21T16:24:07.149-0400    vespa.vespastats to /archive/vespa-archive/vespa-db-backup_testing01/vespa/vespastats.bson
    2015-04-21T16:24:07.316-0400             59724 documents
    2015-04-21T16:24:08.118-0400    Metadata for vespa.vespastats to /archive/vespa-archive/vespa-db-backup_testing01/vespa/vespastats.metadata.json


mongorestore -v --drop --host --port 27017 --username admin --password <passwd> /archive/vespa-archive/vespa-db-backup_001

2015-04-21T16:31:11.962-0400 creating new connection to:
2015-04-21T16:31:11.963-0400 [ConnectBG] BackgroundJob starting: ConnectBG
2015-04-21T16:31:11.963-0400 connected to server (
2015-04-21T16:31:11.963-0400 connected connection!
connected to:
2015-04-21T16:31:11.966-0400 /home/amurty/vespa-db/vespa-db-backup_testing01/vespa/vespastats.bson
2015-04-21T16:31:11.966-0400    going into namespace [vespa.vespastats]
2015-04-21T16:31:11.966-0400     dropping
         file size: 88808161
59724 objects found
2015-04-21T16:31:13.730-0400    Creating index: { key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "vespa.vespastats" }
2015-04-21T16:31:13.848-0400    Creating index: { key: { url: 1 }, name: "url_1", ns: "vespa.vespastats", background: true }
2015-04-21T16:31:13.858-0400    Creating index: { key: { r_tstpm: 1 }, name: "r_tstpm_1", ns: "vespa.vespastats", background: true }
2015-04-21T16:31:13.859-0400    Creating index: { key: { url: 1, r_tstpm: 1 }, name: "url_1_r_tstpm_1", ns: "vespa.vespastats", background: true }

来自 /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log -

2015-04-21T16:31:11.963-0400 [initandlisten] connection accepted from #23 (1 connection now open)
2015-04-21T16:31:11.964-0400 [conn23]  authenticate db: admin { authenticate: 1, nonce: "xxx", user: "admin", key: "xxx" }
2015-04-21T16:31:11.968-0400 [conn23] CMD: drop vespa.vespastats
2015-04-21T16:31:13.757-0400 [conn23] allocating new ns file /var/lib/mongo/vespa.ns, filling with zeroes...
2015-04-21T16:31:13.838-0400 [FileAllocator] allocating new datafile /var/lib/mongo/vespa.0, filling with zeroes...
2015-04-21T16:31:13.846-0400 [FileAllocator] done allocating datafile /var/lib/mongo/vespa.0, size: 64MB,  took 0.007 secs
2015-04-21T16:31:13.847-0400 [conn23] build index on: vespa.vespastats properties: { v: 1, key: { _id: 1 }, name: "_id_", ns: "vespa.vespastats" }
2015-04-21T16:31:13.848-0400 [conn23]    added index to empty collection
2015-04-21T16:31:13.857-0400 [conn23] build index on: vespa.vespastats properties: { v: 1, key: { url: 1 }, name: "url_1", ns: "vespa.vespastats", background: true }
2015-04-21T16:31:13.857-0400 [conn23]    added index to empty collection
2015-04-21T16:31:13.858-0400 [conn23] build index on: vespa.vespastats properties: { v: 1, key: { r_tstpm: 1 }, name: "r_tstpm_1", ns: "vespa.vespastats", background: true }
2015-04-21T16:31:13.859-0400 [conn23]    added index to empty collection
2015-04-21T16:31:13.860-0400 [conn23] build index on: vespa.vespastats properties: { v: 1, key: { url: 1, r_tstpm: 1 }, name: "url_1_r_tstpm_1", ns: "vespa.vespastats", background: true }
2015-04-21T16:31:13.860-0400 [conn23]    added index to empty collection
2015-04-21T16:31:13.862-0400 [conn23] end connection (0 connections now open)

现在当我登录到我的新 mongodb 实例并检查集合大小时,我得到一个大 0 -

# mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.6.9
connecting to: test
> use vespa
switched to db vespa
> db.auth('vespauser', '<paswd>')
> db.vespastats.find()
> db.vespastats.count()

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