我正在使用 Mongoid 4.0.2、Rails 4.2.1 和 Mongodb 2.4.8。
class Person
include Mongoid::Document
field :email, type: String
field :month, type: Date
field :monthly_total, type: Hash, default: {:email_open => 0, :email_click => 0, :page_view => 0}
embeds_many :daily_events
class DailyEvent
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
field :day_1, type: Hash, default: -> {:email_open => 0, :email_click => 0, :page_view => 0}
field :day_2, type: Hash, default: -> {:email_open => 0, :email_click => 0, :page_view => 0}
field :day_31, type: Hash, default: -> {:email_open => 0, :email_click => 0, :page_view => 0}
embedded_in :person
我想增加day_1哈希中 email_open 的值。所以我尝试通过运行以下命令来增加email_open计数:
Person.first.daily_events.first.inc("day_1.email_open" => 1)
在上面的 mongoid 命令下面尝试执行此操作
D, [2015-04-18T16:21:51.000555 #2918] DEBUG -- : MOPED: 54.14x.1x.xxx:10xxx COMMAND database=admin command={:ismaster=>1} runtime: 95.6645ms
D, [2015-04-18T16:21:51.103361 #2918] DEBUG -- : MOPED: 54.14x.1x.xx:100xx QUERY database=msg collection=people selector={"$query"=>{}, "$orderby"=>{:_id=>1}} flags=[] limit=-1 skip=0 batch_size=nil fields=nil runtime: 102.4067ms
D, [2015-04-18T16:21:51.207447 #2918] DEBUG -- : MOPED: 54.14x.1x.xxx:10xxx UPDATE database=msg collection=people selector={"_id"=>BSON::ObjectId('552ef418646176111c000000'), "person_events._id"=>BSON::ObjectId('552ef42c646176111cc80000')} update={"$inc"=>{"person_events.$.day_1.email_open"=>1}} flags=[]
D, [2015-04-18T16:21:51.208257 #2918] DEBUG -- : COMMAND database=msg command={:getlasterror=>1, :w=>1} runtime: 101.6476ms
Moped::Errors::OperationFailure: The operation: # <Moped::Protocol::Command
@selector={:getlasterror=>1, :w=>1}
failed with error 10140: "Cannot apply $inc modifier to non-number"