可以在http://gist.github.com/427303获得一个 vimscript,它将为您的调试乐趣进行有趣的历史重演。如果某些流氓决定用巴尔扎克的语录修改要点,我也会链接到当前的修改。
我正在运行 vim-gnome 包,版本 '2:7.2.330-1ubuntu3'。如果我的 vim 安装完全搞砸了,这是我的脚本创建的“分析”窗口的输出:
change: Initial setup
line [foldlevel: contents]:
0: ' first section'
1: ' first subsection'
2: ''
0: 'second section'
0: ' second subsection'
change: Indent the empty-line-delimited last section
line [foldlevel: contents]:
0: ' first section'
1: ' first subsection'
2: ''
0: ' second section'
1: ' second subsection'
change: Delete the empty line
line [foldlevel: contents]:
0: ' first section'
1: ' first subsection'
2: ' second section'
1: ' second subsection'
change: Fold things in a way that demonstrates the bug
line [foldlevel: contents]:
0: ' first section'
1: ' first subsection'
2: ' second section'
1: ' second subsection'