是否可以将任何 LCD 与 Arduino 一起使用,或者我是否需要坚持一些可用的库?
我刚开始使用 Arduino,对 LCD 与 Arduino 的接口一无所知。我打算买一个旧的 iPhone LCD,因为它们既便宜又大,可以用来做一些有用的事情。另外要使用 iPhone LCD,我需要添加一些额外的电路还是直接将 iPhone LCD 插入 Arduino 工作?我现在不关心触摸功能。
您必须将一些 gLCD(如果不是全部)与可用的库连接起来。
我在我的第一个项目中使用了这个 gLCD:
http ://www.skpang.co.uk/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=91_99&products_id=655
此特定 gLCD 屏幕的数据表在这里:
http ://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/LCD/Monochrome/Corrected-SFE-0016-DataSheet-08884-SerialGraphicLCD-v2.pdf
http ://www.arduino.cc/playground/Code/GLCDks0108
ps 我能找到的关于 iPhone LCD 和 Arduinos 的唯一信息是:http ://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9188
Is it possible to use any LCD with Arduino or do I need to stick to some for which the libraries are available?
You need to stick with LCDs that support Arduino and have libraries for them.
There are some low end LCDs that could be made to support the Arduino, but it's not trivial to bring up a new LCD interface on a microcontroller, so I suggest you stick with existing LCDs meant to be used with the Arduino.
Also to use an iPhone LCD do I need to add some extra circuit or will directly plugging the iPhone LCD into Arduino work? I don't care about the touch feature right now.
The iPhone LCDs require significantly more speed and memory than the Arduino can provide. In order to drive them you'd essentially need a complete display controller between the Arduino and the LCD.
Due to the Arduino's limited performance and memory, you should plan on using Arduino specific LCD displays.