我正在使用伪光谱法来求解 KdV 方程u_t + u*u_x + u_xxx = 0
uhat = vhat * exp(-i*k^3*t)
d(vhat)/dt =-0.5i * k * exp(-i*k^3*t)*F[u^2]
代表傅里叶变换,uhat = F[u], vhat = F[v]
我想最终使用 RK4 来解决 è ifft(uhat)è 的问题。现在我有两个变量 uhat 和 vhat,我有 2 个想法来解决uhat
将它们视为实现 RK4 的 ODE 系统。
uhat = vhat * exp(-i*k^2*delta_t)
import numpy as np
import math
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation
#----- Numerical integration of ODE via fixed-step classical Runge-Kutta -----
def RK4Step(yprime,t,y,dt):
k1 = yprime(t , y )
k2 = yprime(t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k1*dt)
k3 = yprime(t+0.5*dt, y+0.5*k2*dt)
k4 = yprime(t+ dt, y+ k3*dt)
return y + (k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)*dt/6.
def RK4(yprime,times,y0):
y = np.empty(times.shape+y0.shape,dtype=y0.dtype)
y[0,:] = y0 # enter initial conditions in y
steps = 4
for i in range(times.size-1):
dt = (times[i+1]-times[i])/steps
y[i+1,:] = y[i,:]
for k in range(steps):
y[i+1,:] = RK4Step(yprime, times[i]+k*dt, y[i+1,:], dt)
y[i+1,:] = y[i+1,:] * np.exp(delta_t * 1j * kx**3)
return y
#----- Parameters for PDE -----
L = 100
n = 512
delta_t = 0.1
tmax = 20
c1 = 1.5 # amplitude of 1st wave
c2 = 0.5 # amplitude of 2nd wave
#----- Constructing the grid and kernel functions
x2 = np.linspace(-L/2,L/2, n+1)
x = x2[:n] # periodic B.C. #0 = #n
kx1 = np.linspace(0,n/2-1,n/2)
kx2 = np.linspace(1,n/2, n/2)
kx2 = -1*kx2[::-1]
kx = (2.* np.pi/L)*np.concatenate((kx1,kx2)); kx[0] = 1e-6
#----- Initial Condition -----
z1 = np.sqrt(c1)/2. * (x-0.1*L)
z2 = np.sqrt(c2)/2. * (x-0.4*L)
soliton = 6*(0.5 * c1 / (np.cosh(z1))**2 + 0.5 * c2/ (np.cosh(z2))**2)
uhat0 = np.fft.fft(soliton)
vhat0 = uhat0
#----- Define ODE -----
def wprime(t,vhat):
g = -0.5 * 1j* kx * np.exp(-1j * kx**3 * t)
return g * np.fft.fft(np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.exp(1j*kx**3*t)*vhat)**2))
#----- Compute the numerical solution -----
TimeStart = 0.
TimeEnd = tmax+delta_t
TimeSpan = np.arange(TimeStart, TimeEnd, delta_t)
w_sol = RK4(wprime,TimeSpan, vhat0)
#----- Animate the numerical solution -----
fig = plt.figure()
ims = []
for i in TimeSpan:
w = np.real(np.fft.ifft(w_sol[i,:]))
im = plt.plot(x,w)
ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=100, blit=False)
RK4 部分来自@LutzL。