我是 File::Slurp 模块的新手,在我的第一次测试中,它没有给出我期望的结果。我花了一段时间才弄清楚,所以现在我对为什么我会看到这种特定行为感兴趣。

我对 File::Slurp 的调用如下所示:

my @array = read_file( $file ) || die "Cannot read $file\n";

我包括了“死”部分,因为我习惯于在打开文件时这样做。我的@array 总是以数组的第一个元素中的文件的全部内容结束。最后我取出“|| die”部分,它开始按我预期的那样工作。


perl -de0

Loading DB routines from perl5db.pl version 1.22
Editor support available.

Enter h or `h h' for help, or `man perldebug' for more help.

main::(-e:1):   0
DB<1> use File::Slurp

DB<2> $file = '/usr/java6_64/copyright'

DB<3> x @array1 = read_file( $file )
0  'Licensed material - Property of IBM.'
1  'IBM(R) SDK, Java(TM) Technology Edition, Version 6'
2  'IBM(R) Runtime Environment, Java(TM) Technology Edition, Version 6'
3  ''
4  'Copyright Sun Microsystems Inc, 1992, 2008. All rights reserved.'
5  'Copyright IBM Corporation, 1998, 2009. All rights reserved.'
6  ''
7  'The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 and Version 2.0'
8  'Copyright 1999-2007 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.'
9  ''
10  'Other copyright acknowledgements can be found in the Notices file.'
11  ''
12  'The Java technology is owned and exclusively licensed by Sun Microsystems Inc.'
13  'Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered'
14  'trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc.  in the United States and other countries.'
15  ''
16  'US Govt Users Restricted Rights - Use duplication or disclosure'
17  'restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.'
DB<4> x @array2 = read_file( $file ) || die "Cannot read $file\n";

0  'Licensed material - Property of IBM.
IBM(R) SDK, Java(TM) Technology Edition, Version 6
IBM(R) Runtime Environment, Java(TM) Technology Edition, Version 6

Copyright Sun Microsystems Inc, 1992, 2008. All rights reserved.
Copyright IBM Corporation, 1998, 2009. All rights reserved.

The Apache Software License, Version 1.1 and Version 2.0
Copyright 1999-2007 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.

Other copyright acknowledgements can be found in the Notices file.

The Java technology is owned and exclusively licensed by Sun Microsystems Inc.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Sun Microsystems Inc.  in the United States and other countries.

US Govt Users Restricted Rights - Use duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

为什么|| 死有什么不同?我感觉这可能更像是 Perl 优先级问题,而不是 File::Slurp 问题。我查看了 File::Slurp 模块,如果出现问题,它似乎设置为 croak,所以我想正确的方法是让 File::Slurp 为你发声。现在我只是好奇为什么我会看到这些差异。


3 回答 3



my @array = read_file( $file ) || die "Cannot read $file\n";

这就是说:尝试读取文件,并返回文件的串联或“返回”die作为@array. 你不会死,因为它读取了文件并返回了一个真值,尽管是一个标量值。

标准用法是语句或运算符 ( or),如下所示:

my @array = read_file( $file ) or die "Cannot read $file\n";


第二种形式不会尝试分配“返回” from dieto,@array因为分配是首先完成的,因此@array要么保存文件的行,要么是一个空数组。

请注意,文档File::Slurp read_file说:

列表上下文中,它将返回行列表(使用 $/ 的当前值作为分隔符,包括在设置为 '' 时支持段落模式)。在标量上下文中,它将整个文件作为单个标量返回。[斜体我的]


    my $text = read_file( 'filename' ) ;
    my @lines = read_file( 'filename' ) ;


于 2010-06-02T14:02:42.817 回答


C 风格的逻辑或



#! /usr/bin/perl

sub lhs {
  my $ctx = wantarray;
  if (defined $ctx) {
    if ($ctx) { "list" }
    else      { "scalar" }
  else { "void" }

print lhs || 0, "\n";


$ ./或-ctx.pl


my @array = eval { read_file("/etc/issue") };
die unless @array;


于 2010-06-02T13:49:48.883 回答


 my @array = read_file( $file ) || die "Cannot read $file\n";

完全没有必要。默认情况下,File::Slurp::read_file croak出错:


您可以使用此选项来控制发生错误时 read_file 的行为方式。此选项默认为“呱呱”。您可以将其设置为“鲤鱼”或“安静”以不进行错误处理。

于 2010-06-02T15:41:14.963 回答