I am working on a simple ASP.NET Intranet with Windows Authentication. I am authenticating users with Active Directory to allow them access to the site, but would like to implement site-specific user roles to manage page & content access without disturbing or adding to the Windows User Groups already in place.

My thought on how to accomplish this was to create a UserRoles table, and place a specific RoleId in the Users table for each user. Then I would compare the Currently Logged In username with the Users table to find out which role the user is in.

Question 1:

Is this an OK way to go about this?

Question 2 (If the answer to question 1 is yes):

How can I select the correct RoleId for the current user, and use in an IF statement?

This is what I was thinking:

var db = Database.Open("Database") ;

// Find out what my Windows Username is
var currentUser = Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name.Substring(Request.LogonUserIdentity.Name.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1);

// Find out what Role I'm in    
var getUser = "SELECT RoleId FROM Users WHERE UserID = @0";

// Get the result
var selectedUser = db.Query(getUser, currentUser);

var requiredRole = "1";

// Choose where I should go
if (SelectedRoleId != requiredRole)

Any help would be great.


2 回答 2


ASP.NET includes a very adaptive RoleManager. A while back, I created a custom method like the one you are using here and then I discovered the SqlRoleProvider and it was incredible. Does everything you need it to and you can implement it with or without SqlMembershipProvider.

Add this to system.web section of your web.config:

<!-- Configure the Sql Role Provider -->
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="SqlRoleProvider">
    <add name="SqlRoleProvider" type="System.Web.Security.SqlRoleProvider" connectionStringName="QCmembership" applicationName="Quality_Training_2" />

Then you can just add a new custom roles using the built-in commands, and add users to those roles in the same way. It just needs a string value of the username or some kind of identifier. Looks something like this:

Roles.AddUserToRole("anyUserName", "myCustomRole")

More information (including a list of the role provider's methods) can be found HERE.

于 2013-10-10T21:57:57.580 回答

Question 1: No, that is not the right way to go about it. People will need multiple roles (whether you need them now or not). You should have something similar to:

Users Table (you already have this)

Roles Table
[id] INT
[description] VARCHAR(100)

UserRoles Table
[userId] INT --or whatever
[roleId] INT

Question 2: To manage roles, you'll need to implement a Custom Role Provider. Which, boiled down is two steps:

  1. Create a class that inherits the RoleProvider abstract class from the System.Web.Security namespace. This is where you'll have the functions to check if a user is in a role or not by overriding the IsInRole method. This is likely one of the few functions you'll need to override, for most purposes (like if you handle adding and deleting roles somewhere else, for example).

  2. Tell the web.config to use this new custom Role Provider.

Sample Role-Provider

Then you will be able to simply do an If on User.IsInRole("roleName") to see if someone is in a role, and the Role Provider takes care of rest.

于 2013-10-10T21:58:04.250 回答