I have a tableview which content is managed through core data. When I select a row, a details view is pushed in and shows more information. How can I jump to the next record (the one below the one I selected in the tableview before) through a "next" button in the view ? Same for a previous button, but that should be very similar ...

thx a lot ! Sebastian

ps: One more question ... how do I get a random record from my fetchedResultsController ?


1 回答 1


“下一个”记录会根据您应用于返回表数据的提取的排序而改变。为了重现表的顺序,您需要重现 fetch。

在您的详细视图中,您将需要具有用于生成表视图的相同实体和排序描述符的提取。您将需要跟踪详细视图中显示的当前记录的索引。然后转到下一个或上一个记录只是转到 fetch 返回的数组中的下一个或上一个元素的问题。


于 2010-06-02T14:27:06.537 回答