但是请注意,JIT 需要一段时间才能启动,这样您才能看到好处。要点是,对于重度/频繁使用,绝对要重复使用该对象。对于不经常使用的情况,您最好每次都使用一个新对象。
warm up
default seed - re-use - 1807 ms
explicit seed - re-use - 835 ms
constant seed - new every time - 1044 ms
default seed - new every time - 1621 ms
interation 0
default seed - re-use - 412 ms
explicit seed - re-use - 418 ms
constant seed - new every time - 955 ms
default seed - new every time - 1676 ms
interation 1
default seed - re-use - 389 ms
explicit seed - re-use - 369 ms
constant seed - new every time - 893 ms
default seed - new every time - 1498 ms
package foo;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class SecureRandomTest {
static long elapsedMillis( long startNs ) {
long now = System.nanoTime();
return (now - startNs) / 1_000_000;
final static long seed = 123456789123456L;
final static int nIter = 1000000;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SecureRandomTest test = new SecureRandomTest();
for ( int ix = 0; ix < 5; ++ix ) {
void run(int ix) {
System.out.printf( "interation %d\n-----------------------------\n", ix);
/* Warm up JVM/JIT */
public static void warmup() {
new SecureRandomTest().run(-1);
public void secure_random_constant_seed() {
long started = System.nanoTime();
int nDupes = 0, ix = 0;
Set<Long> generated = new HashSet<>(nIter);
for ( /**/; ix < nIter; ++ix) {
SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
long xRand = rand.nextLong();
if ( !generated.add(xRand) ) {
assertEquals( "Unexpected # of dupes " + nDupes + ", ix == " + ix, nIter-1, nDupes );
System.out.printf( "constant seed - new every time - %d ms\n", elapsedMillis(started) );
public void secure_random_constant_seed_reuse() {
long started = System.nanoTime();
int nDupes = 0, ix = 0;
SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
Set<Long> generated = new HashSet<>(nIter);
for ( /**/; ix < nIter; ++ix) {
long xRand = rand.nextLong();
if ( !generated.add(xRand) ) {
assertTrue( "Unexpected # of dupes " + nDupes + ", ix == " + ix, 0 == nDupes );
System.out.printf( "explicit seed - re-use - %d ms\n", elapsedMillis(started) );
public void secure_random_default_seed() {
long started = System.nanoTime();
int nDupes = 0, ix = 0;
Set<Long> generated = new HashSet<>(nIter);
for ( /**/; ix < nIter; ++ix) {
long xRand = new SecureRandom().nextLong();
if ( !generated.add(xRand) ) {
assertTrue( "Unexpected # of dupes " + nDupes + ", ix == " + ix, 0 == nDupes );
System.out.printf( "default seed - new every time - %d ms\n", elapsedMillis(started) );
public void secure_random_default_seed_reuse() {
long started = System.nanoTime();
int nDupes = 0, ix = 0;
SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
Set<Long> generated = new HashSet<>(nIter);
for ( /**/; ix < nIter; ++ix) {
long xRand = rand.nextLong();
if ( !generated.add(xRand) ) {
assertTrue( "Unexpected # of dupes " + nDupes + ", ix == " + ix, 0 == nDupes );
System.out.printf( "default seed - re-use - %d ms\n", elapsedMillis(started) );