这可以通过维度上的递归来完成——选择一个晶格超平面方向并索引所有与 r 半径球相交的超平面。每个这样的超平面的球交点本身就是一个球,在一个较低的维度上。重复。这是 Octave 中的调用函数代码:
function lat_points(lat_bas_mx,rr)
% **globals for hyperplane lattice point recursive function**
clear global; % this seems necessary/important between runs of this function
global MLB;
global NN_hat;
global NN_len;
global INP; % matrix of interior points, each point(vector) a column vector
global ctr; % integer counter, for keeping track of lattice point vectors added
% in the pre-allocated INP matrix; will finish iteration with actual # of points found
ctr = 0; % counts number of ball-interior lattice points found
MLB = lat_bas_mx;
ndim = size(MLB)(1);
% **create hyperplane normal vectors for recursion step**
% given full-rank lattice basis matrix MLB (each vector in lattice basis a column),
% form set of normal vectors between successive, nested lattice hyperplanes;
% store them as columnar unit normal vectors in NN_hat matrix and their lengths in NN_len vector
NN_hat = [];
for jj=1:ndim-1
tmp_mx = MLB(:,jj+1:ndim);
tmp_mx = [NN_hat(:,1:jj-1),tmp_mx];
NN_hat(:,jj) = null(tmp_mx'); % null space of transpose = orthogonal to columns
tmp_len = norm(NN_hat(:,jj));
NN_hat(:,jj) = NN_hat(:,jj)/tmp_len;
NN_len(jj) = dot(MLB(:,jj),NN_hat(:,jj));
if (NN_len(jj)<0) % NN_hat(:,jj) and MLB(:,jj) must have positive dot product
% for cutting hyperplane indexing to work correctly
NN_hat(:,jj) = -NN_hat(:,jj);
NN_len(jj) = -NN_len(jj);
NN_len(ndim) = norm(MLB(:,ndim));
NN_hat(:,ndim) = MLB(:,ndim)/NN_len(ndim); % the lowest recursion level normal
% is just the last lattice basis vector
% **estimate number of interior lattice points, and pre-allocate memory for INP**
vol_ppl = prod(NN_len); % the volume of the ndim dimensional lattice paralellepiped
% is just the product of the NN_len's (they amount to the nested altitudes
% of hyperplane "paralellepipeds")
vol_bll = exp( (ndim/2)*log(pi) + ndim*log(rr) - gammaln(ndim/2+1) ); % volume of ndim ball, radius rr
est_num_pts = ceil(vol_bll/vol_ppl); % estimated number of lattice points in the ball
err_fac = 1.1; % error factor for memory pre-allocation--assume max of err_fac*est_num_pts columns required in INP
INP = zeros(ndim,ceil(err_fac*est_num_pts));
% **call the (recursive) function**
% for output, global variable INP (matrix of interior points)
% stores each valid lattice point (as a column vector)
clp = zeros(ndim,1); % confirmed lattice point (start at origin)
bpt = zeros(ndim,1); % point at center of ball (initially, at origin)
rd = 1; % initial recursion depth must always be 1
printf("%i lattice points found\n",ctr);
INP = INP(:,1:ctr); % trim excess zeros from pre-allocation (if any)
关于 NN_len(jj)*NN_hat(:,jj) 向量——它们可以被视为由格基 MLB 中的向量形成的 ndim 维“平行六面体”中的连续(嵌套)高度。晶格基平行六面体的体积只是 prod(NN_len)——为了快速估计内部晶格点的数量,将半径为 rr 的 ndim 球的体积除以 prod(NN_len)。这是递归函数代码:
function hyp_fun(clp,bpt,rr,ndim,rd)
clp = the lattice point we're entering this lattice hyperplane with
bpt = location of center of ball in this hyperplane
rr = radius of ball
rd = recrusion depth--from 1 to ndim
global MLB;
global NN_hat;
global NN_len;
global INP;
global ctr;
% hyperplane intersection detection step
nml_hat = NN_hat(:,rd);
nh_comp = dot(clp-bpt,nml_hat);
ix_hi = floor((rr-nh_comp)/NN_len(rd));
ix_lo = ceil((-rr-nh_comp)/NN_len(rd));
if (ix_hi<ix_lo)
return % no hyperplane intersections detected w/ ball;
% get out of this recursion level
hp_ix = [ix_lo:ix_hi]; % indices are created wrt the received reference point
hp_ln = length(hp_ix);
% loop through detected hyperplanes (updated)
if (rd<ndim)
bpt_new_mx = bpt*ones(1,hp_ln) + NN_len(rd)*nml_hat*hp_ix; % an ndim by length(hp_ix) matrix
clp_new_mx = clp*ones(1,hp_ln) + MLB(:,rd)*hp_ix; % an ndim by length(hp_ix) matrix
dd_vec = nh_comp + NN_len(rd)*hp_ix; % a length(hp_ix) row vector
rr_new_vec = sqrt(rr^2-dd_vec.^2);
for jj=1:hp_ln
else % rd=ndim--so at deepest level of recursion; record the points on the given 1-dim
% "lattice line" that are inside the ball
INP(:,ctr+1:ctr+hp_ln) = clp + MLB(:,rd)*hp_ix;
ctr += hp_ln;
这里面有一些 Octave-y/Matlab-y 的东西,但大多数应该很容易理解;M(:,jj) 引用矩阵 M 的 jj 列;tic ' 表示转置;[AB] 连接矩阵 A 和 B;A=[] 声明一个空矩阵。
- “向量化”递归函数中的代码,以避免大多数“for”循环(那些将其减慢了约 10 倍;但现在的代码有点难以理解)
- 为 INP 矩阵内部点预分配内存(这将其加速了另一个数量级;在此之前,Octave 必须为每次调用最内层递归级别调整 INP 矩阵的大小——对于大型矩阵/数组这真的可以减慢速度)
因为这个例程是一个项目的一部分,所以我也用 Python 编写了它。从非正式测试来看,Python 版本比这个(Octave)版本快 2-3 倍。
% (OLD slower code, using for loops, and constantly resizing
% the INP matrix) loop through detected hyperplanes
if (rd<ndim)
for jj=1:length(hp_ix)
bpt_new = bpt + hp_ix(jj)*NN_len(rd)*nml_hat;
clp_new = clp + hp_ix(jj)*MLB(:,rd);
dd = nh_comp + hp_ix(jj)*NN_len(rd);
rr_new = sqrt(rr^2-dd^2);
else % rd=ndim--so at deepest level of recursion; record the points on the given 1-dim
% "lattice line" that are inside the ball
for jj=1:length(hp_ix)
clp_new = clp + hp_ix(jj)*MLB(:,rd);
INP = [INP clp_new];