我正在尝试使用 MPI 和 C++ 开发并行随机游走器模拟。
在每一个时间步长中,一个粒子可以以一定的概率停留在其单元格中或进入左右相邻单元格。为了使它更容易一点,只有每个单元格列表中的最后一个粒子可以行走。如果粒子行走,则必须将其发送到具有相应等级的进程(MPI_Isend + MPI_Probe + MPI_Recv + MPI_Waitall)。
下面是一个最小的例子(对不起,如果它仍然很长)。为了更好地跟踪粒子运动,每个粒子都有一个 ID,该 ID 对应于它开始的进程的等级。在每一步之后,每个单元格都会打印存储在其中的粒子的 ID。
#include <mpi.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
class Particle
int ID; // this is the rank of the process which initialized the particle
Particle () : ID(0) {};
Particle (int ID) : ID(ID) {};
stringstream msg;
string msgString;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Initialize the MPI environment
// Get the number of processes
int world_size;
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
// Get the rank of the process
int world_rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
// communication declarations
MPI_Status status;
// get the ranks of neighbors (periodic boundary conditions)
int neighbors[2];
neighbors[0] = (world_size + world_rank - 1) % world_size; // left neighbor
neighbors[1] = (world_size + world_rank + 1) % world_size; // right neighbor
// declare particle type
MPI_Datatype type_particle;
MPI_Type_contiguous (1, MPI_INT, &type_particle);
MPI_Type_commit (&type_particle);
// every process inits 1 particle with ID = world_rank
vector<Particle> particles;
particles.push_back (Particle(world_rank));
// obtain a seed from the timer
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock myclock;
myclock::time_point beginning = myclock::now();
myclock::duration d = myclock::now() - beginning;
unsigned seed2 = d.count();
default_random_engine generator (seed2);
uniform_real_distribution<double> distribution (0, 1);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// begin time loop
for (int t=0; t<10; t++)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// 1) write a message string containing the current list of particles
// write the rank and the particle IDs into the msgString
msg << "rank " << world_rank << ": ";
for (auto& i : particles)
msg << i.ID << " ";
msg << "\n";
msgString = msg.str();
msg.str (string()); msg.clear ();
// to print the messages in order, the messages are gathered by root (rank 0) and then printed
// first, gather nums to root
int num = msgString.size();
int rcounts[world_size];
MPI_Gather( &num, 1, MPI_INT, rcounts, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// root now has correct rcounts, using these we set displs[] so
// that data is placed contiguously (or concatenated) at receive end
int displs[world_size];
displs[0] = 0;
for (int i=1; i<world_size; ++i)
displs[i] = displs[i-1]+rcounts[i-1]*sizeof(char);
// create receive buffer
int rbuf_size = displs[world_size-1]+rcounts[world_size-1];
char *rbuf = new char[rbuf_size];
// gather the messages
MPI_Gatherv( &msgString[0], num, MPI_CHAR, rbuf, rcounts, displs, MPI_CHAR,
// root prints the messages
if (world_rank == 0)
cout << endl << "step " << t << endl;
for (int i=0; i<rbuf_size; i++)
cout << rbuf[i];
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// 2) send particles randomly to neighbors
Particle snd_buf;
int sndDest = -1;
// 2a) if there are particles left, prepare a message. otherwise, proceed to step 2b)
if (!particles.empty ())
// write the last particle in the list to a buffer
snd_buf = particles.back ();
// flip a coin. with a probability of 50 %, the last particle in the list gets sent to a random neighbor
double rnd = distribution (generator);
if (rnd <= .5)
particles.pop_back ();
// pick random neighbor
if (rnd < .25)
sndDest = neighbors[0]; // send to the left
sndDest = neighbors[1]; // send to the right
// 2b) always send a message to each neighbor (even if it's empty)
MPI_Request requests[2];
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
int dest = neighbors[i];
MPI_Isend (
&snd_buf, // void* data
sndDest==dest ? 1 : 0, // int count <---------------- send 0 particles to every neighbor except the one specified by sndDest
type_particle, // MPI_Datatype
dest, // int destination
0, // int tag
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3) probe and receive messages from each neighbor
for (int i=0; i<2; i++)
int src = neighbors[i];
// probe to determine if the message is empty or not
MPI_Probe (
src, // int source,
0, // int tag,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, // MPI_Comm comm,
&status // MPI_Status* status
int nRcvdParticles = 0;
MPI_Get_count (&status, type_particle, &nRcvdParticles);
// if the message if non-empty, receive it
if (nRcvdParticles > 0) // this proc can receive max. 1 particle from each neighbor
Particle rcv_buf;
MPI_Recv (
&rcv_buf, // void* data
1, // int count
type_particle, // MPI_Datatype
src, // int source
0, // int tag
MPI_COMM_WORLD, // MPI_Comm comm
MPI_STATUS_IGNORE // MPI_Status* status
// add received particle to the list
particles.push_back (rcv_buf);
MPI_Waitall (2, requests, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// end time loop
// Finalize the MPI environment.
if (world_rank == 0)
cout << "\nMPI_Finalize()\n";
return 0;
我用 8 个进程运行了模拟,下面是输出示例。在第 1 步中,它似乎仍然运行良好,但从第 2 步开始,粒子开始消失。
step 0
rank 0: 0
rank 1: 1
rank 2: 2
rank 3: 3
rank 4: 4
rank 5: 5
rank 6: 6
rank 7: 7
step 1
rank 0: 0
rank 1: 1
rank 2: 2 3
rank 3:
rank 4: 4 5
rank 5:
rank 6: 6 7
rank 7:
step 2
rank 0: 0
rank 1:
rank 2: 2
rank 3:
rank 4: 4
rank 5:
rank 6: 6 7
rank 7:
step 3
rank 0: 0
rank 1:
rank 2: 2
rank 3:
rank 4:
rank 5:
rank 6: 6
rank 7:
step 4
rank 0: 0
rank 1:
rank 2: 2
rank 3:
rank 4:
rank 5:
rank 6: 6
rank 7:
我不知道代码有什么问题......不知何故,MPI_Isend + MPI_Probe + MPI_Recv + MPI_Waitall 的组合似乎不起作用......任何帮助都非常感谢!