我是 Python 的新手,正在尝试学习如何编写一个 SSID 扫描器来执行以下操作:
- 询问用户扫描的时间长度
- 使用 wlan 通过 Airmon-NG 启用监控模式
- 检查是否确实启用了 Mon0,然后进行下一步
- 检查 Mon0 后,使用 Mon0 启动 Airmon-NG 并扫描 5 分钟
- 让程序看到一旦达到 5 分钟标记,打印出“SSID Scan Complete”
- 关闭程序
我想最终在 5 分钟后获取扫描输出并将其转储到文本文件中以供以后查看,但我还没有到那里,所以请原谅我继续学习时对 Python 的无知。到目前为止我所拥有的只是经过研究,但我觉得卡住了,我知道的一些部分是错误的,我无法弄清楚,例如:
- 实际上在启动 airodump-NG 之前验证 Mon0 是否打开
- 等待输入的时间长度才结束
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
#Clear the screen
#Ask for the length of time in Minutes to scan for SSIDs
scan_ssid = raw_input("How many minutes would you like to scan for: ")
scan_length = scan_ssid
#Print banner
print "Scanning for SSIDs for " + scan_ssid " minutes."
#Start and verify airmon-ng in monitor mode
print "Placing wlan iface in Monitor Mode"
os.system("airmon-ng start wlan2")
monitor = mon0
if monitor == True:
print "Monitor Mode: Enabled"
#Start airodump-ng with monitor enabled
print "Starting SSID scan with Monitor Mode"
os.system("airodump-ng mon0")
#Scan for the user requested timefame
scan_length = time.time()
while True:
scan_length = 0
if scan_length == 5 or time.time() > scan_length:
scan_length = scan_length - 1
print "SSID Scan Complete!"