Currently when a node or comment is submitted it gets a Submitted text saying "Submitted by user on Wed, 04/01/2015 - 18:07"
The mark-up for this is:
<span>Submitted by *user* on <time pubdate="pubdate" datetime="2015-04-01T18:07:34+0000">Wed, 04/01/2015 - 18:07</time></span>
What I need to do is remove the "pubdate" attribute from the tag because the it is failing on W3C validation.
I have tried to add the following code in my template.php file but had no luck
function ThemeName_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
$attributes['datetime'] = '<time'.drupal_attributes($attributes) .'>'.$variables['date'] . '</time>';
How can I remove the "pubdate" attribute in the Submitted by tag?