
String range = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopABCD#";

我正在寻找 2 种从 long <-> String 编码/解码的方法

String s = encode( range, l );

long l = decode( range, s );

所以decode(range, encode(range, 123456789L)) == 123456789L



4 回答 4


The following code does what you need:

static long decode(String s, String symbols) {
    final int B = symbols.length();
    long num = 0;
    for (char ch : s.toCharArray()) {
        num *= B;
        num += symbols.indexOf(ch);
    return num;
static String encode(long num, String symbols) {
    final int B = symbols.length();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    while (num != 0) {
        sb.append(symbols.charAt((int) (num % B)));
        num /= B;
    return sb.reverse().toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
    String range = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopABCD#";
    System.out.println(decode(encode(123456789L, range), range));
    // prints "123456789"

    System.out.println(encode(255L, "0123456789ABCDEF"));
    // prints "FF"

    System.out.println(decode("100", "01234567"));
    // prints "64"

Note that this is essentially base conversion with a custom set of symbols.

Related questions

于 2010-05-30T12:16:23.113 回答

这只是执行基本转换的问题。只需将 long 转换为适当的数字基数,对应于字符串中的字符数,然后使用范围字符串作为“数字”集。

例如,假设您有字符串“0123456789ABCDEF”,那么这意味着您必须转换为十六进制的基数 16。如果字符串为“01234567”,则转换为以 8 为底的八进制。

result = "";
while (number > 0)
  result = range[(number % range.length)] + result;
  number = number / 16; //integer division, decimals discarded


result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++)
  result = result * range.length;
  result = range.indexOf(input[i])
于 2010-05-30T12:04:47.683 回答

寻找 Patten 和 matcher。这是我的片段

私有静态最终字符串 LUCENE_ENCODE_ESCAPE_CHARS = "[\\+\-\!\(\)\:\^\]\{\}\~\*\?]";

private static final String LUCENE_DECODE_ESCAPE_CHARS = "\\\\";
private static final String REPLACEMENT_STRING = "\\\\$0";

private static final Pattern LUCENE_ENCODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LUCENE_ENCODE_ESCAPE_CHARS);
private static final Pattern LUCENE_DECODE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(LUCENE_DECODE_ESCAPE_CHARS);

public void test() {

    String encodeMe = "\\ this + is ~ awesome ! ";

    String encode = LUCENE_ENCODE_PATTERN.matcher(encodeMe).replaceAll(REPLACEMENT_STRING);

    String decode = LUCENE_DECODE_PATTERN.matcher(encode).replaceAll("");

    System.out.println("Encode " + encode);
    System.out.println("Decode " + decode);
于 2012-12-26T18:54:11.510 回答


public class SymbolEncoder {

    private static final int INT_BITS = 32;
    public static String SYM_BINARY = "01";
    public static String SYM_ALPHANUM = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

    private final String _symbols;
    private final int _symCount;
    private final int _outSize;

     * Construct an encoder that will encode numeric values as 
     * a String of symbols.
     * @param _symbols
    public SymbolEncoder(String _symbols) {
        this._symbols = _symbols;
        this._symCount = _symbols.length();
        // calculate the number of symbols needed to encode a 32-bit int
        this._outSize = calcSymbols(INT_BITS, this._symCount);

     * Calculate the number of symbols needed to encode.
     * @param _bits Number of bits to be encoded.
     * @param _symCount Number of symbols to encode.
     * @return
    private static int calcSymbols(int _bits, int _symCount) {
        return (int)(_bits*Math.log(2)/Math.log(_symCount));

    public String encodeFloat(float _val) {
        return encodeInt(Float.floatToIntBits(_val));

    public String encodeInt(int _val) {
        StringBuilder _sb = new StringBuilder();
        int _input = _val;

        for(int _idx = 0; _idx < this._outSize; _idx++) {
            // get the current symbol
            int _symbolIdx = Integer.remainderUnsigned(_input, this._symCount);
            char _symbol = this._symbols.charAt(_symbolIdx);

            // shift the symbol out of the input
            _input = _input / this._symCount;

        return _sb.reverse().toString();


SymbolEncoder _bEncode = new SymbolEncoder(SymbolEncoder.SYM_BINARY);
LOG.info("MIN_VALUE: {}", _bEncode.encodeInt(Integer.MIN_VALUE));
LOG.info("MAX_VALUE: {}", _bEncode.encodeInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE));

SymbolEncoder _alnEncode = new SymbolEncoder(SymbolEncoder.SYM_ALPHANUM);
LOG.info("MIN_VALUE: {}", _alnEncode.encodeFloat(Float.MIN_VALUE));
LOG.info("Zero: {}", _alnEncode.encodeFloat(0));
LOG.info("MAX_VALUE: {}", _alnEncode.encodeFloat(Float.MAX_VALUE));


MIN_VALUE: 10000000000000000000000000000000
MAX_VALUE: 01111111111111111111111111111111
MIN_VALUE: 000001
Zero: 000000
于 2020-03-10T16:16:21.213 回答