I've tried on two separate occasions to get Scala installed on my MacBook Air and have run into the same problem both times.

The first stime I installed scala, I moved all the appropriate files into the bin, lib, & src directories. When I type "scala" in the Terminal I get the following error:

Error occurred during initialization of VM
java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file /usr/lib/charset.alias

So I have poked around and tried to figure it out. The problem I'm running into is this seems to be a fairly common error (and I understand what causes this error) but I can't figure out what is actually causing this to happen. I made sure I had all the proper .jar files in my lib directory. After a while, I decided to try installing Scala using Homebrew. After successfully installing Scala using Homebrew, I get the same error above when I type "scala" in the Terminal.

What am I missing? Thanks in advance!


1 回答 1


尝试通过HomeBrew安装。你也可以通过这种方式获得 SBT,


哦!你做到了......在这种情况下,我会调查你的 Java / JVM / JRE / JDK 安装是否完好无损。它所抱怨的文件的名称对于 Mac 来说是可疑的。


我真的不应该这么多从臀部射击。我的 MacBook确实有那个文件!它包含以下内容:

# This file contains a table of character encoding aliases,
# suitable for operating system 'darwin10.0'.
# It was automatically generated from config.charset.
# Packages using this file:  
* UTF-8
于 2013-01-23T22:46:53.320 回答