除了使用迭代器之外,我创建了一个模仿 stl 映射的哈希映射类。所以,现在我的问题是遍历哈希映射,不使用迭代器,并打印出与某个键关联的值。类本身是模板化的,但 main.cpp 中使用的 Value 是字符串向量。我将如何制作一个打印功能来打印与键关联的项目(值)?我尝试编写一个 printElements() 函数,但它只打印密钥。先感谢您。


//  HashMap.h
//  HashWordPuzzle
//  Created by Elizabeth Kelly on 3/27/15.
//  Copyright (c) 2015 Elizabeth Kelly. All rights reserved.

#ifndef __HashWordPuzzle__HashMap__
#define __HashWordPuzzle__HashMap__

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int nextPrime( int n );

// QuadraticProbing HashMap class
// CONSTRUCTION: an approximate initial size or default of 101
// ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************
// bool insert( x )       --> Insert x
// bool remove( x )       --> Remove x
// bool contains( x )     --> Return true if x is present
// void makeEmpty( )      --> Remove all items
// int hashCode( string str ) --> Global method to hash strings

template <typename Key, typename Value>
class HashMap
explicit HashMap (int size ) : array_( nextPrime( size ) )
{ makeEmpty( ); }

bool contains( const Key & key ) const
    return isActive( findPos( key ) );

int getSize() {
    return array_.size();
    //return count;

const Value & getValue(const Key & key) const {
    int index = findPos(key);
    return array_[index].value_;

Key getKey(const int index) const {
    return array_[index].key_;

void makeEmpty( )
    currentSize = 0;
    for( auto & entry : array_ )
        entry.info = EMPTY;

bool insert( const Key & key, const Value & value )
    // Insert x as active
    int currentPos = findPos( key );
    if( isActive( currentPos ) )
        return false;

    array_[ currentPos ].key_ = key;
    array_[ currentPos ].info = ACTIVE;
    array_[currentPos].value_ = Value{};

    // Rehash; see Section 5.5
    if( ++currentSize > array_.size( ) / 2 )
        rehash( );

    return true;

bool insert( Key && key, Value && value )
    // Insert x as active
    int currentPos = findPos( key );
    if( isActive( currentPos ) )
        return false;

    array_[ currentPos ] = std::move( key );
    array_[ currentPos ].info = ACTIVE;
    array_[currentPos].value_ = Value{};

    // Rehash; see Section 5.5
    if( ++currentSize > array_.size( ) / 2 )
        rehash( );

    return true;

bool remove( const Key & key )
    int currentPos = findPos( key );
    if( !isActive( currentPos ) )
        return false;

    array_[ currentPos ].info = DELETED;
    return true;

Value & operator[](const Key & key) {

    int index = findPos(key);
    if (!contains(key)) {
        insert(key, Value{});

    return array_[index].value_;
    //check if index is valid (if -1) then insert an empty key and an empty vector

const Value & operator[](const Key & key) const {
    int index = findPos(key);
    //return find(key);

    return array_[index].value_;//???????

int getNext(int pos) {
    while (!isActive(pos) && pos != array_.size()) {
    return pos;

void printElements() {
    for (int i = 0; i < array_.size(); i++) {
        if (isActive(i)) {
            cout << array_[i].key_ << " " << endl;
            cout << endl;
            for (int i = 0; i < getValue(array_[i].key_).size(); i++) {
                cout << getValue(array_[i].key_)[i] << endl;



enum EntryType { ACTIVE, EMPTY, DELETED };

struct HashEntry
    Key key_;
    Value value_;
    EntryType info;

    HashEntry( const Key & e = Key{ }, const Value & v = Value{}, EntryType i = EMPTY )
    : key_{ e }, info{ i } { }

    HashEntry( Key && e, const Value & v = Value{}, EntryType i = EMPTY )
    : key_{ std::move( e ) }, info{ i } { }

vector<HashEntry> array_;
int currentSize;
int count = 0;

bool isActive( int currentPos ) const
{ return array_[ currentPos ].info == ACTIVE; }

int findPos( const Key & key ) const
    int offset = 1;
    int currentPos = myhash( key );

    while(array_[currentPos].info != EMPTY && array_[currentPos].key_ != key){
        currentPos += offset;  // Compute ith probe
        offset += 2;

        if(currentPos >= array_.size()) {
            currentPos -= array_.size();
    }//close while
    return currentPos;

void rehash( )
    vector<HashEntry> oldArray = array_;

    // Create new double-sized, empty table
    array_.resize( nextPrime( 2 * oldArray.size( ) ) );
    for( auto & entry : array_ )
        entry.info = EMPTY;

    // Copy table over
    currentSize = 0;
    for( auto & entry : oldArray )
        if( entry.info == ACTIVE )
            insert( std::move( entry.key_ ), entry.value_ );

size_t myhash( const Key & key ) const
    static hash<Key> hf;
    return hf( key ) % array_.size( );



//Computes a map in which the keys are words and values are vectors of    words
//that differ in only one character from the corresponding key.
//Uses a quadratic algorithm, but speeds things up a little by
//maintaining an additional map that groups words by their length
HashMap<string, vector<string>> computeAdjacentWords(const vector<string> & words, int table_size) {

HashMap<string, vector<string>> adj_words(table_size); //key is type string
HashMap<int, vector<string>> words_by_length(table_size); //key is type int

//Group words by their length
for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
    words_by_length.getNext(i); //I need to loop through the map here WITHOUT using iterators

//Work on each group separately
for (int i = 0; i < words_by_length.getSize(); i++) {
    const vector<string> & groups_words = words_by_length.getValue(i);
    //const vector<string> & groups_words = words_by_length.getValue(words_by_length[i]);
    //implement getNext(), current_counter to replace the lack of iterator

    for (int i = 0; i < groups_words.size(); ++i) {
        for (int j = i + 1; j < groups_words.size(); ++j) {
            if (oneCharOff(groups_words[i], groups_words[j])) {

            }//close if
        }//close for loop
    }//close for loop
}//close for loop

return adj_words;



1 回答 1


如果您真的想避免使用迭代器,我建议您维护可以为您提供迭代器的 up-and-atom 接口的键值对向量。除非即使在这个级别(?)也需要避免迭代器。在这种情况下,您可以提供返回const std::pair<Key,Value>*数组的方法,当用户需要访问您的集合中的值时,该数组可以在飞行中填充。

于 2015-03-31T18:53:16.737 回答