I am trying to create a site, where user can create his account and automatic create his folder in my host.
I write this :
$addtothedb="INSERT INTO login(firstname,lastname,useremail,password,Gender,Dateofbirth) VALUES ('". $fristname . "','". $laname ."','" . $email . "','". $pass ."')" ;
$cur = "USERS/";
if ( mkdir($gofile,0777) ) {
} else {
echo " Account Successfully Created. <br> Now you can Login. ";
else {
echo "<center>Failure</center>";
So now he uploads his photos. I want that photos go to his folder not in USERS/ Directory. I try this script but doesnt work, how I want.
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","test");
echo $_SESSION['name']."<br />" ;
$cur = "USERS/";
$gofile=$cur .$_SESSION["name"];
echo $gofile;
$des= dirname($gofile.'/'.$_SESSION['name']);echo "<br/>";
echo $des;