I'm using this profiler (trial version) to track down some performance issues occured in a web application. Locally it works fine and I see methods in a call tree. I want it to work also on remote server, to collect a performance profile there.

So I deployed the website (debug configuration) to remote server, and checked that *.pdb files are also in /bin directory. Then via remote desktop tried to do the same,i.e. attach to .NET process (w3wp). I checked the process ID so that it matches IIS pool. However, when started profiling, I don't see my methods, but The profiler did not find any methods with the source code. To see all profiled methods, in Display Options below select "All methods".

I guess it happens when you attach to wrong app pool. What do I do wrong?


1 回答 1


正如您所建议的,这听起来像 ANTS 无法找到正确的 PDB。PDB 应与任何 DLL 位于同一文件夹中,并且(除了文件扩展名)应具有相同的名称。PDB 还需要与正在分析的程序集的版本完全匹配。在http://documentation.red-gate.com/display/APP9/Troubleshooting+PDB+problems有更多信息。

如果做不到这一点,您可以将“带有源的方法”下拉菜单更改为调用树上方的“所有方法”。无论您是否有可用的 PDB,这都会向您显示所有方法的计时信息,但不会向您显示源代码或行级计时。或者,他们的支持团队可能会提供帮助。

于 2015-03-24T10:40:18.377 回答