我正在尝试从 server2 到 server4 执行 iperf,但出现了一个问题:似乎(通过使用 wireshark 分析流量)它没有在目标交换机上安装任何规则。如果我在同一交换机的两台服务器之间尝试 iperf,一切正常。我不明白为什么会出现这个问题。谁能帮我?任何建议都可能有用。在交换机上安装流的代码如下:
//source Switch != destination Switch
IOFSwitch srcSwitch = sw;
IOFSwitch dstSwitch = this.floodlightProvider.getSwitch(destSwitchID);
/* Create match:
* source Mac: always host mac
* dest Mac: always dest host mac
* source Ip: vIP or external
* dest Ip: rIP or vIP */
int srcIp = IPv4.toIPv4Address(toVirtualIp(sourceIp));
//get inPort of dest Switch on the inter-switch link
short inPort = topology.getInterSwitchPort(destSwitchID);
OFMatch matchDst = createMatch(srcHostMac, destHostMac, srcIp, destIp, inPort);
short[] actionsLengthDst = {0};
int dstIp = IPv4.toIPv4Address(toRealIp(destIp));
// Initialize list of actions
//realSrcToVirtualSrc = false because sourceIp has not to be translated to realIp in the dest switch
ArrayList<OFAction> actionsDst = createActions(false, 0, //vIP
virtualDestToRealDest, dstIp, //rIP
destHostMac, destSwitchID, actionsLengthDst,
OFFlowMod ruleDst = createRule(matchDst, actionsDst, actionsLengthDst[0]);
System.out.println("Installing flows to dest OF switch ID " + dstSwitch.getId());
try {
dstSwitch.write(ruleDst, cntx);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
/* Create match:
* source Mac: always host mac
* dest Mac: gateway MAC or host MAC
* source Ip: rIP
* dest Ip: rIP or vIP */
OFMatch matchSrc = createMatch(srcHostMac, destMac, sourceIp, destIp, pi.getInPort());
short[] actionsLengthSrc = {0};
// Initialize list of actions
//virtualDestToRealDest = false because destIp has not to be translated to realIp int the source switch
ArrayList<OFAction> actionsSrc = createActions(realSrcToVirtualSrc, sourceIp, //not translated (always)
false, 0, //not translated (rIP or vIP)
destHostMac, sw.getId(), actionsLengthSrc,
OFFlowMod ruleSrc = createRule(matchSrc, actionsSrc, actionsLengthSrc[0]);
System.out.println("Installing flows to source OF switch ID " + srcSwitch.getId());
try {
srcSwitch.write(ruleSrc, cntx);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;