这是一个脚本,我将曲目编号放在 mp3 名称之前,以使曲目保持正确的顺序,而不是按字母顺序排列。

除了三个文件夹外,它在所有(100 多个文件夹 / 1300 多首歌曲)上都运行良好。

我不能告诉 wtf 正在这里发生。


output => 


path_name = c:\test\2 - Live Albums\1995 - MTV unplugged\Shooting Star.mp3

02 - 流星.mp3

path_name = c:\test\2 - Live Albums\1995 - MTV Unplugged\The Times they are A-Changin'.mp3

04 - The Times They Are A-Changin'.mp 3 path_name = c:\test\2 - Live Albums\1995 - MTV Unplugged\Tombstone Blues.mp3 01 - Tombstone Blues.mp3

path_name = c:\test\2 - Live Albums\1995 - MTV Unplugged\With God On Our Side.mp3

12 - 与上帝同在.mp3

path_name = c:\test\1 - Studio Albums\1964 - The Times They Are A-Changin\Ballad Of Hollis Brown.mp3


文件“C:/Users/Brian/Python Files/track_numbering_mp3.py”,第 45 行,在


文件“C:/Users/Brian/Python Files/track_numbering_mp3.py”,第 39 行,在 music_track_numbering

os.rename(join(root,name),join(root,track_number)) # 重命名文件

WindowsError: [错误 3] 系统找不到指定的路径

进程以退出代码 1 结束

#!usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'Brian Kane'

"""This scripts takes a path argument to the root directory of the music files (mp3 here) and
   adds a padded number corresponding to the track number.  It will do this to all of the tracks in the folders
   and subfolders.  This allows for burning in the track order and not alphabetized.  In theory I suppose you could
   start at C:'\'"""

import os
from os.path import *
import string
from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3

def music_track_numbering(path):
    nums = []

    for i in range(10):                                                     # just fills in nums to compare to track name
                                                                            # to not double number

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):                             # walks through the data tree to get files
            # print 'root = ', root
            # print 'dirs = ', dirs
            # print 'files = ',files
            for name in files:
                extension = os.path.splitext(name)[1][1:].strip().lower()  # gets the file extension

                if name[0] in nums:                                         # don't double number

                if extension == 'mp3':
                    # print 'name = ', name                                 # test purposes
                    path_name = root +'\\' + name                           # path_name is complete path
                    print 'path_name = ', path_name                         # test purposes
                    track = EasyID3(path_name)['tracknumber'][0]            # gets the track number from metadata
                    track_number = str(track).zfill(2) + ' - ' + name       # pads leading zero and adds dash to name
                    os.rename(join(root,name),join(root,track_number))      # renames the file
                    print track_number                                      # test purposes

# path = 'C:\\test'                                                         # this is a test path
path = raw_input('Enter the path to the music file:/n>')


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