Not using Bootstrap or the like, I have a series of images in a row with a total max-width: 1280px; and min-width:1280px; (all the images add up to 1280px). But on computers with a lower resolution then 1280, the images wont all stay in a line, some will drop to the next line to fit the screen. I understand keeping them in a line will force the page off to the left requiring sideways scrolling, but to me that is preferable to condensing.

I know this is a newbie question but if anyone could help me out or offer a solid alternative that a newbie can pull off rather easily, that would be appreciated.


2 回答 2



.wrapper { max-width: 1280px; }
.wrapper img { width: 10%; } /* 10 images in a row */


.wrapper { width: 1280px; }
于 2015-03-11T19:27:50.770 回答

添加white-space: nowrap;到包含图像的元素。

于 2015-03-11T21:05:54.487 回答