我在 Unity3D(在 C# 中)工作,我在其中定义了这个泛型类:
public class Singleton<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour
MonoBehaviour类包含太多的字段和方法,所以为了避免返回的 Singleton 实例(类型为 T)过于混乱,我定义了以下类型:
/// <summary>
/// A singleton implementation where the Instance property can return another type I (derived from T)
/// </summary>
public class Singleton<T, I> : Singleton<T>
where T : MonoBehaviour, I
public static new I Instance
// Return the Instance property, cast as I
return (I)Singleton<T>.Instance;
public class SomeVideoProvider : Singleton<SomeVideoProvider, IVideoAds>
// Why doesn't the compiler enforce this type to be derived from IVideoAds ?
通用约束声明 T 应该是 MonoBehaviour 和 I。在这种情况下它不满足,但没有编译器错误。这是为什么 ?